US Immigration 1790 to Present

  • Period: to

    US Immigration

  • Naturalization Act of 1790

    Naturalization Act of 1790
    It required for immigrants to have lived in the US for 2 years in order to become US citizens.
  • Naturalization Act of 1795

    Naturalization Act of 1795
    This required people to be a resident for 5 years before they could recieve citizenship.
  • Naturalization Act of 1798

    Naturalization Act of 1798
    This requireed people to declare intention to become a citizen 5 years before they applied. You must also live in the US for 14 years.
  • Alien Friends Act of 1798

    Alien Friends Act of 1798
    This allowed the president to have people deported if he found it necessary. If they stayed they would be imprisoned for 2 years. He could also grant temporary residency.
  • Alien enemies act of 1798

    Alien enemies act of 1798
    If the US was at declared war any male fourteen or older, not naturalized, from the opposing country could be deported or imprisoned.
  • Steerage act of 1819

    Steerage act of 1819
    This set standards for carrying passengers into the US
  • Passenger Act of 1847

    Passenger Act of 1847
    Set standards for ships carrying passengers into the US. Also set penalties for captains not following these standards.
  • Passenger Act of 1855

    Passenger Act of 1855
    This act set standards for ships that carried passengers. It stated how many passengers were allowed per ship, and what was needed for each passenger.
  • Anti-coolie law of 1862

    Anti-coolie law of 1862
    This law banned American ships from being involved in the coolie trade.
  • Immigration Act of 1864

    Immigration Act of 1864
    This act established a commisioner of immigration, validated work contracts, and exempted immigrant from required service in the military.
  • Page Law of 1875

    Page Law of 1875
    This law stated that any immigrants from an asian country must be free and voluntary. It also set standards and punishments for those that were still in or were former members of the coolie trade business.
  • Chinese axclusion Act of 1882

    Chinese axclusion Act of 1882
    This act banned all chinese workers from migrating to the US for ten years. It also deported any Chinese that came after November 17, 1880.
  • Immigration Act of 1882

    Immigration Act of 1882
    This act charged 50 cents to all landing aliens entering the US. Also it kept those that were supicious looking or seemed unable to care for themselves from coming into the US.
  • Contract Labor law of 1885

    Contract Labor law of 1885
    This prevented individuals or groups from making a working contract with someone before they came to the US.
  • Immigration Act of 1891

    Immigration Act of 1891
    This set standards for immigrants to enter the US. This kept those that could not support themselves on their own out. Also this kept those with criminal records from becoming citizens of the US.
  • Geary Act of 1892

    Geary Act of 1892
    This extended the Chinese Exclusion act for another 10 years.
  • Scott Act of 1902

    Scott Act of 1902
    This extended the chines exclusion act indefinitely.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    Immigration Act of 1917
    This banned immigration of undesireables. Also, this charged $8 per immigrant coming into the US. Also all immigrants, except those escaping religious persecution, were subject to a literecy test.
  • Wartime measure of 1918

    Wartime measure of 1918
    This states that anyone entering or leaving the US was subject to rules set by the president.
  • Emergency quota law of 1921

    Emergency quota law of 1921
    This law set quotas for immigrants from different countries.