U.S. Immigration

By Bubba72
  • 1790

    Passed a law defining who could become a citizen if a person was not born here: Citizenship was possible only for someone who was a free white person.
  • 1880 and 1920

    Period of immigration in American history when some 25 million immigrants arrived.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

    Said that no Chinese laborer could enter the United States for 10 years. The act was in force until World War II.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Introduced that each country's immigrants were limited to 2 percent of foreign born residents from that country listed in the U.S. Census of 1890.
  • Quota Act of 1921

    Allowed only a certain amount of people from each country to enter the U.S. per year.
  • 1965-Immigration Reform Act

    Abolishing the quota system based on national origin. When Johnson signed the reform bill, he referred to the old system as un-American.
  • 1986 - Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt. About three million illegal immigrants were granted legal status.
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    Said that no country could account for more than 7 percent of total immigrants. Set up special categories for war refugees or close relatives of American citizens.
  • Immigration Reform Act of 1996

    Increased the border patrol staff and stiffened penalties for creating false citizenshp papers or smuggling undocumented workers.
  • 2007

    Fill short term labor needs through a guest worker program and strengthened border control.