US History Timeline 1876-1900

  • The Telephone was invented

    On March 7,1876 Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for the first official telephone. This was a huge turning point in America and became a precedent for the years to come. This also inspired many inventors.
  • Compromise of 1877

    The Compromise of 1877 took place on January 29 when President Grant signed the Electoral Commission Act. The purpose of this act was to settle the heavily disputed election of 1876. The result ended with the US government taking the last troops out of the Southern US and putting an end to the Reconstruction Era.
  • New President is elected America

    March 4, 1881 America has elected a new president named James A. Garfield. He unfortunately was assassinated six months later on September 19, 1881.
  • Interstate Commerce Commission is founded

    The Interstate Commerce Commission is founded on February 4, 1887. The purpose of the Interstate Commerce Commission was to supervise the conduct of the railroad industry. They wanted to keep all aspects of common carriers in order.
  • Washington becomes a state

    On November 11, 1889 Washington became the forty second state to be added to the union.
  • Tariff Act

    The Tariff Act of 1890 was created to protect household industries from any foreign competition by raising the rates on specific goods.
  • The Teller Amendment

    The Teller Amendment was put in place on April 20th 1898 as a result of President William McKinley's war message. This amendment did not let the US annex Cuba.
  • Hawaii annexed to U.S.

    On July 7, 1898 Hawaii was annexed to the U.S. as a result of threats from the Japanese invasion.