
US History, 1701-1800

  • Virginian comprehensive slave code.

    The House of Burgess passes a comprehensive slave code in Virginia, encouraging more slave mistreatment by their owners.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Group of slaves attempt travel to Spanish Florida for freedom, and on the way burned plantations and killed colonists. Eventually subdued by the local milita.
  • Period: to

    First Great Awakening

    First of two Christian religious awakenings, with one of the first notable preachers being George Whitfield.
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    French and Indian War

    Conflict between British and French over territory in North America. Ended in British victory.
  • New France falls to the English

    After a series of conflicts, New France finally falls into British hands.
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    American Revolution

    Revolt of American colonies against British rule. Ended in victory for the colonies and establishment of the US
  • Boston Tea Party

    In protest to the high taxes on tea, many colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians dumped tea from the British ship Dartmouth overboard.
  • Declearation of Independence

    Continental Congress signs Declaration of Independence from Britian.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Combined American/French forces capture British amry at Yorktown, effectively ending the war
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris formally ends American Revolution,
  • Sigining of the US Constitution

    The US Constitution is signed; by the next year, it is ratified and in effect.
  • First President elected

    George Washington becomes first US president.
  • Bill of Rights signed

    The Bill of Rights comprises the first 10 amendments to the constitution, and protects several personal rights.
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    Presidency of George Washington

  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin, allowing easier removal of seeds from cotton.
  • Jay's Treaty

    In this treaty with the British, signed by John Jay, the US agreed to "treat Britain as its most prized trade partner", as long as British military installments in the Northwest Territory were abandoned.
  • Period: to

    Presidency of John Adams