U.S. History

By pvn4690
  • The U.S won independence during the Revolutionary War.

    The U.S won independence during the Revolutionary War.
    The U.S was part of England untill it became thier own country during the Revolutionary War. A war for the independence of the U.S
  • Declaration of Independence was estabalished

    Declaration of Independence was estabalished
  • The Bill of Rights was ratified and signed.

    The Bill of Rights was ratified and signed.
  • The american Civil War and election of Abhraham Lincoln

    The american Civil War and election of Abhraham Lincoln
    The cause of the Civil War was that the North was against slavery and the South enforced it. 11 confederate slave states secseded from the U.S. After the bombing of Fort Sumter President lincoln was elected
  • World War 2 Starts

    World War 2 Starts
    The second world war occured between two groups. One, The Axis and two, the Allies. What started the war officially was when hitler ordered an attack on Poland.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The Cold War was a war about science and a group of major events such as World War 2, Hiroshama and Nagasaki,Cuban Missle Crisis, Korean War, Vietnam War. The Soviet Union was a big part of this chapter of history. From communist stuff to the Cuban Missle Crisis. Onlly after Japn surendering and the end of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War.
  • Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshama

    Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshama
    The bombing of Hiroshama and Nagasaki were the first atomic bombings. Japan joined the Soviet Union and because of this attack they surrendered ending the cold war.
  • World War 2 ends

     World War 2 ends
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    Cuban Missle Crisis

    The Cuban Missle Crisis occured when U.S spy planes took pictures of Cuba and found nuclear missles from the Soviet union. President John F. Kennedy came up with the Berlin blockade to block out anymore missles from the Soviet Union while the country hid in fear of another nuclear war. Finally after 13 days the leader of the Soviet Union and John F. Kennedy came to a deal. If the U.S disposed of the better larger number of missles in Turkey the Soviet Union would dispose of the ones in Cuba.
  • Terroist attack on Twin Towers known as 9/11

    Terroist attack on Twin Towers known as 9/11