US and Arizona Immigration History

  • Jan 1, 1539

    Arizona was first explored by the Spanish

    Arizona was first explored by the Spanish
    A Franciscan priest named Marcos de Niza reached Arizona in 1539, looking for the fabulous seven cities. He was the first spanish person to explore Arizona. He then claimed Arizona for Spain.
  • First Spanish Settlement

    First Spanish Settlement
    The first permanent Spanish settlement was established in Tubac, after many revolts from the Pima and Papago.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The Constitution of the United States gives rights to the AMerican citizens.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    These acts regulated immigration and citizenship to the United States. President John Adams passed these acts as America prepared to go to war with France. THese laws, increased residency requirement for American citizenship, authorized the president to imprison immigrants who ere considered dangerous, and restricted to speech.
  • Naturalization act of 1790

    Naturalization act of 1790
    Allowing "free white persons" American citizenship if they have been living in the United States for 2 years.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty ended the Mexican-American War. It allowed 80,000 people American citizenship because they lived on newly acquired land on AMerican territory.
  • Claiming Arizona and New Mexico

    Claiming Arizona and New Mexico
    The Confederate States of America declared the southern part of New Mexico territory as Arizona territory, claiming both territories. But the confederacy soon lost control over all Arizona and New Mexico land.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This act forbid any skilled or unskilled chinese laborer employed in mining to enter into the United States. This was after a blacklash from American mining laborers who felt their jobs and wages were being lowered because of the Chinese. This act also affected the Chinese who were already settled here. If they wanted to leave the country, they had to recieve certification to re-enter.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    This was a gift from the French that is placed in New York. It is a symbol of hope for the immigrants, containing the lines "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe"
  • Arizona becomes State

    Arizona becomes State
    Arizona acheives statehood and becomes 48th state of the United States.
  • Magnuson Act

    Magnuson Act
    This act was a repeal of the Chinese Exlusion. It allowed Chinese already living in the United States to become naturalized citizens.
  • Equal Education Act of 1974

    Equal Education Act of 1974
    A federal law was passed in the United States that prohibits discrimination based on race in the United States. Even illegal immigrant childeren can recieve a public school education in the United States
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    This act was passed to control illegal immigrats in the United States. It made it illegal to knowingly hire undocumented immigrants. It also, required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status.
  • Prop 203: Anti-Bilingual Initiative in Arizona

    Prop 203: Anti-Bilingual Initiative in Arizona
    THis Prop goes against immigrants in Arizona. It is a law that forbids any teacher from speaking to a student in his or her native language.
  • The Dream Act

    The Dream Act
    This act was a bill that allowed illegal immigrants to get residency if they were a "good moral character" who graduated form a U.S highschool, entered the U.S as a minor lived continously in the country for five or more years.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    Sb 1070 is a law that was passed in Arizona that is the toughest anti-immigration law of its time. It states that all immigratnts over the age of 14 have to carry their registration documents with them at all times. The person can recieve a misdemeaner if he or she is not carrying their documents