Unit background info

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    First document that limited a kings power. We use it to limit are government when creating are government.
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    Finial conflict in the ongoing struggle between the British and French for control for eastern Northern America.
  • First continental congress

    First continental congress
    Meets in Philadelphia, with 56 delegates.
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    War of independence fought between Great Britain and the 13 colonies
  • Independence

    Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia
  • Confederation

    Congress adopts the article of confederation, the first u.s. constitution
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    America is independent and gets all land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi
  • Land ordinance

    Land ordinance
    System for distributing western lands
  • Shays rebellion

    Shays rebellion
    Farmers take up arms to protest about high taxes
  • Bill of rights

    Bill of rights
    12 amendment are signed into law
  • Rights of women

    Rights of women
    Helped women get better education
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    Invented by Whitney