unit 5 timeline

  • fugitive slave act

    fugitive slave act
    fugitive slave actPart of the compromise of 1850 between southern slave-holding interests and northern free soilers
  • uncle toms cabin published

    uncle toms cabin published
    the novel helped lay the groundwork for the civil war
  • kansas-nebraska act

    kansas-nebraska act
    it allowed people in the two territories to decide for themselves
  • election of 1860

    election of 1860
    election of 1860Served as the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the american civil war
  • battle at fort sumter

    battle at fort sumter
    was the bombardment of fort sumter
  • the monitor vs. the merrimack

    the monitor vs. the merrimack
    it is also called battle of hampton roads
  • the battle of shiloh

    the battle of shiloh
    a major battle in the western theater of the american civil war.
  • the emancipation proclamation

    the emancipation proclamation
    was a presidential proclamation given by abraham lincoln
  • the battle of ghettysberg

    the battle of ghettysberg
    confederate forces during the american civil war
  • the 13th amendment

    the 13th amendment
    it was passed by the senate in april 8 1864
  • surrender at appomattox

    surrender at appomattox
    one of the last battles of the american civil war
  • assassination of president lincoln

    assassination of president lincoln
    serving from march 1861 until his assassination in april 1865