Unit 11 Timeline

By Yuheiry
  • New England missionaries arrive in Hawaii

    a. The first New England missionaries reached Hawaii in 1820. The US always liked the Hawaiian Islands
    b. Beginning in the 1840s, the State Department told the other countries they should keep their hands off Hawaii.

    c. In 1887, a treaty with the native government guaranteed naval-base rights at Pearl Harbor.
  • Samoa crisis with Germany

    c. American almost went to war with Germany due to Samoan Islands, Italy due to lynching of 11 Italians, and Chile after two American sailors died
  • Cubans Revolt against Spain

    a. Sugar production of Cuba became less profitable when the America passed the tariff of 1894. b. Cubans revolted against their Spanish captors in 1895 after the Spanish began to place them in concentration camps and treat them very poorly.

    c. Cuban revolutionaries began to reason that if they destroyed enough of Cuba and did enough damage, then Spain might abandon Cuba or the United States might move in and help the Cubans with their independence.
  • Venezuelan boundry crsis with Britain

    d. Monroe Doctrine was strengthen by the issue with Venezuela and Britain
    i. They had been arguing about the border between Venezuela and British French Guiana
    ii. America’s secretary of state sent a note to the British saying they were violating the Monroe Doctrine. British replied by saying it wasn’t their business. American said they would create a new boundary and if they didn’t accept it , American would fight for it
  • Dewey's victory at Manila Bay

    a. The American people plunged into the war with jubilation, which seemed premature to Europeans.

    i. The American army numbered 2,100 officers and 28,000 men compared to the 200,000 Spanish troops in Cuba.
    ii. The readiness of the navy (ranked 5th world-wide) owed much to the navy secretary John D. Long and his assistant secretary Theodore Roosevelt.
    b. Roosevelt called upon Commodore George Dewey's 6-ship fleet to descend upon Spain's Philippines in the event of war.

    V. On May 1, 1898, Dewe
  • Spanish American War

    XI. New Horizons in Two Hemispheres
    i. Although the Spanish-American War only lasted 113 days, American prestige as a world power increased.
    ii. One of the greatest results of the war was the bonding between the North and the South.
  • Foraker Act for Puerto Rico

    X. Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba
    i. By the Foraker Act of 1900, Congress gave the Puerto Ricans a limited degree of popular government and, in 1917, granted them U.S. citizenship.

    ii. The American regime in Puerto Rico worked wonders in education, sanitation, transportation, and other improvements.
  • Progressive Robert La Follette elected governor of Wisconsin

    progressive leader/ gov. of Wisconsin gave power back to people, regulated utilities rates, instituted taxes on inheritance, first to tie state gov. & university together
  • Newlands Act

    let fed. gov. collect money from the sale of lands in the west & use the money for irrigation projects
  • Lincoln Stefens and Ida Tarbell publish muckraking exposes

    wrote a series of articles in McClure's titled The Shame of the Cities talking about the corrupt business-government alliance, said Philidelphians are controlled by machines
  • Elkins act

    allowed fines to be placed on railroads that gave rebates and the shippers that accepted them
  • Lochner vs New York

    Supreme Court ruled that states could not restrict ordinary workers' hours (NY had a law giving bakers a 10hr day), Supreme Court ruled that states could not restrict ordinary workers' hours
  • Meat inspection Act

    said meat shipped over state lines is subject to federal inspection
  • Hepburn act

    fined railroads if they gave out free passes to companies
  • "Gentlemens's Agreement"

    iii. President Roosevelt invited the entire San Francisco Board of Education to the White House to settle the dispute.

    1. TR broke the deadlock and the Californians were persuaded to repeal the segregation and to accept what came to be known as the "Gentlemen's Agreement."
  • Muller vs Oregon

    attorney Louis D. Brandeis persuaded the Sup.Court to pass laws protecting women workers
  • Root-Takahira agreement

    the Root-Takahira agreement was reached with Japan. The U.S. and Japan pledged themselves to respect each other's territorial possessions.
  • Wilson deats Taft and Rososevelt for presidency

    Woodrow Wilson: A Minority President
    • With the Republicans split, Woodrow Wilson easily won with 435
    Electoral votes, while TR had 88 and Taft only had 8. But, the
    Democrats did not receive the majority of the popular vote (only 41%)!
    1. Socialist Eugene V. Debs racked up over 900,000 popular votes,
    while the combined popular totals of TR and Taft exceeded Wilson.
    Essentially, TR’s participation had cost the Republicans the
    • William Taft would later become the only U.S. president
  • Federal Reserve act

    Passed by Wilson -Brought back the National Bank that was killed by Johnson -Created 12 regional banks around the country and could issue currency and loan money to each other
  • 16th Amendment

    income tax estabished
  • 17th Amendment

    direct election of senators by popular vote
  • Huerta takes power in Mexico

    He was a Mexican military officer and President of Mexico who was also leader of the violent revolution that took place in 1913.
  • Anti-Trust Act

    • The 1914 Clayton Anti-Trust Act lengthened the Sherman Anti-Trust
    Act’s list of practices that were objectionable, exempted labor
    unions from being called trusts (as they had been called by the Supreme
    Court under the Sherman Act), and legalized strikes and peaceful
    picketing by labor union members.
  • Fedral Trafe Commision

    • In 1914, Congress passed the Federal Trade Commission Act, which
    empowered a president-appointed position to investigate the activities
    of trusts and stop unfair trade practices such as unlawful competition,
    false advertising, mislabeling, adulteration, & bribery.
  • Wilson sends marines to Dominican Republic

    • When disorder broke out in Haiti in 1915, Wilson sent American
    Marines, and in 1916, he sent Marines to quell violence in the
    Dominican Republic.
  • Wilson deats Hughs for presidency

    • Wilson barely beat Hughes, with a vote of 277 to 254, with the
    final result dependent on results from California, and even though
    Wilson didn’t specifically promise to keep America out of war,
    enough people felt that he did to vote for him.
  • Pancho Villa raids Mexico

    1. On the other hand, he let American munitions flow to Huerta’s rivals, Venustiano Carranza and Francisco “Pancho” Villa. • After a small party of American sailors were arrested in Tampico, Mexico, in 1914, Wilson threatened to use force, and even ordered the navy to take over Vera Cruz, drawing protest from Huerta and Carranza.
  • Sussez ultimatum and pledge

    A torpedo from a German submarine hit a french passenger liner, called the Sussex in march 1916. Wilson demanded the Germans refrain from attacking passenger ships. In this statement, Germany said they would temporarily stop these attacks but might have to resume in the future if the British continued to blockade German ports.
  • The Filipinos got their independence