U.S. History Sem. 1 Exam

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    Westward Expansion

  • Indian Removal Act

    Grants funding to remove any Indians that get in the way of the expansion.
  • Tammany Hall (Late 1800's and Early 1900's)

    Political organization founded. Central organization of Democratic Party, Aka the corruption in city and state politics.
  • Bessemer Steel Process

    The process by which iron is truned into steel, patened by Henry Bessemer. The invention of steel led to the creation of larger, taller cities. Andrew Carnagie capitolized on this process.
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    Urbanization & Immigration

  • Transcontinental Railroad Started

    Prompted to build a raidroad from east to west. Its a race who can complete it first. This includes going to the West land and removing the Indians.
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  • President Lincoln Assinated

    President Lincoln was assassinated which made reconstruction flare up and become a huge deal. Lincoln was replaced with a southerner which stemed even more controversy in reconstruction.
  • Black Codes

    Even though the 13, 14, and 15 amendment were around the black codes made the African Americans a 2nd class citizen. This went against what President Lincoln wanted and triggered the northern citizens.
  • Reconstruction ends

    Reconstruction ends when President Rutherford with draws the troops from the south that were protecting the Civil Rights of African Americans.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    Second wage cut for workers. Railroad workers strike and the movement spread east. Federal Troops were called to end the strike.
  • The Dawes Severalty Act is Passed

    Provides 160 acres of farm land or 320 acres of grazing land to Indians who accepted the terms. This included becoming a US citizen in 25 Tears.