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U.S. Environmental Policy

  • Land Ordinance and Northwest Ordinance

    Land Ordinance and Northwest Ordinance
    These ordinances gave the federal government the right to manage unsettled (wild) lands.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Citizens could claim 160 acres of public land. After living on it for five years, they could own it for a fee of $16.
  • General Mining Law

    General Mining Law
    The act provided land for $5 per acre and allowed mining to occur as long as it was in accordance with local customs. This law did not require any government oversight.
  • National Park Service

    National Park Service
    Congress created the National PArk Service to manage the growing number of national parks and monuments.
  • Emergency Conservation Work Act

    Emergency Conservation Work Act
    President Franklin Roosevelt signed this act during the Great Depression. The act gave unemployed men jobs planting trees, fighting soil erosion, and improving wildlife habitats throughout the country.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    In this book, Rachel Carson, a writer and scientist, awakened the public to the negative ecological and health effcts of industrial chemicals and pesticides such as DDT.
  • National Environmental Policy Act

    National Environmental Policy Act
    This act declared that the federal government, in cooperation with state and local governments and the public, would act "to create and maintain conditions under which mand and nature can exist in productive harmony."
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    The first Earth Day, founded by Senator Nelson of Wisconsin, consisted of about 20 million Americans demonstrating their desires for a healthier environment.