
the invention of the telephone

  • Alexander Bell invents the first communication device

    Alexander Bell invents the first communication device
    On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell spoke into his device and said to his assistant, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.” This is when Bell launched the telephone era with the first 'bi-directional electronic transmission of the spoken word'.
  • answering machine

    answering machine
    allowed callers to leave a message if no one was on the other end
  • push-button

    AT&T introduced Touch-Tone, which allowed phones to use a keypad to dial numbers and make phone calls. Each key would transmit a certain frequency, signaling to the telephone operator which number you wanted to call.
  • touch screen

    touch screen
    an asset that allows a user to interact with a computer by touching areas on the screen with their finger
  • Caller ID

    Caller ID
    You could now decide whether that phone call was worth answering or whether you could just send them to voicemail. Now standard, Caller ID changed the way we used telephones.
  • portable phones

    portable phones
    made it where you were no longer physically attached to your phone’s base station
  • # of people who use phones

    # of people who use phones
    257,000,000 use cellphones to communicate and approximately 350 billion go without one