
Today's topic: 1870-1920 A New Wave of Immigration in the US

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    1870-1920 A New Wave of Immigration in the US

  • 1870-1920:A New Wave of Immigration in the US

    In the 1870s:
    In the early 1870s, European Jews began to emigrate on a large scale to the United States to escape persecution.
    In the late 1870s, Southern European immigrants from Italy and Eastern Europe began pouring into the United States.
  • 1880

    The 1880s saw a sharp increase in immigration from southern Europe, including Jews from Italy, Greece, and Russia.
    In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed, restricting immigration from China.
  • 1890

    In the 1890s, immigrants poured into the United States, especially from Italy, Russia, and Eastern European Jews.
    - In 1892, the Ellis Island Immigration Checkpoint opened in New York Harbor, becoming a major acceptance point for immigrants.
  • 1990

    • 1907年,美国通过《不受限制的移民法案》,限制南欧和东欧的移民数量。
    • 1900年代,达巴尔船只公司等运输公司开始在大西洋上组织大规模的移民船队。