By 35762
  • Exposition: Setting

    The story is set on a January day with the frost sixty degrees below zero. Tom Vincent has set out on a lonely 30 mile trail.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    Tom Vincent is a big-boned, strapping young fellow who is very confident in himself, his hands, and his head.
  • Rising Action

    -Vincent is sitting on a tree trunk eating his biscuit and before long he has to put his gloves back on because the weather is very harsh and cold.
    -Vincent finally makes it to the creek where he is to cross.
  • Climax

    The climax of the story is when he falls in the water and the only thing he says to do is build a fire.
  • Falling Action

    -Vincent now has to build a fire and he knows that his life depends on this fire because if he cannot build it he will die.
    -He then gets a fire going but it is soon put out by snow that falls from the tree branches about and now Vincent cannot get it started again
    -His hands and feet begin to go numb as he runs to look for help. He finally sits dwon to build another fire and when he does he burns his hands so they can regain circulation and he did the same with his feet.
  • Exposition

    -At the end of the story Vincent is fine and we find out that he has made it home
    -His hands have scars all over them from burning them in the fire and his feet will always be sensative to the snow after his experience
    -Vincent says to never go hiking alone in weather like that because you never know what could happen