
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson had purchased the territory through the luisana purchase treaty from france. Mr Jefferson had also sent merrywether lewis and william clark take a tour around the redion.They was looking for a northwest passage or waterway that agreed for faster travel.
  • Missouri Compromise

    missouri was revealed as a slave state and maine was announced as a free state. 1819 missouri was an equal state between slave and free
  • Monroe Doctrine

    James Monroe provided the monroe doctrine to notify the european kingdom not to recolonize latin. The US military power was very limited and the enforcement of the monroe doctrine. They was involved in the US in Latin american event would leave to a bad thing between the to countries.
  • Nullification Crisis

    States have the rights to declare irrelevant federal law or tax if it damages the state. A high protective rule was passed by the government witch made the south mad. Mr Calhoun wanted to nullify the rule that South Carolina wasnt trying to cost.
  • Oregon Treaty

    The spanish request to the region ended after the Adam onis treaty was indicated. During the war the mexican polk and his pleaders set up a treaty to gain power with the british
  • Mexican Cession

    It finished manifest destiny by giving americans the power of the land from the alantic to the pacific. At the ending of the mexican cession the us had confessed the power of almost 1x3 of the mexican district.
  • Compromise of 1850

    The people of power was lauched to found out the slave question. The state of california was declared as a free state slaves were being sold but not durinng slavery time and it was being sold but not during slaveery time.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Stephen Douglas had proposed public control to resolve whether these states would be slave or free. The Nebraska Act had reserved the Missouri compromise by agreeing with popular sovereignty. There was some competition between proslavery and the anti-slavery the forces became a disagreement.
  • Texas Annexation

    The US received the republic of texas through annexation. 9 years after the American born Texan mention and won independence from Mexico. Americans in Mexico managed the territory of texas stated independence from Mexico
  • Battle of Bull Run

    in the beginning while union troops had the upper hand the confederacy was winning. Shocked by those who wished that the war would end quickly.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    When the federal demanded fire on the union was holding onto garrison. The military unit commander in chief backed down on April 13th and was depopulated the next day. The direction and aftermath of the civil war were based on making money in the north and south.
  • Battle of Antietam

    The Union suffered more defeats than the confederacy lee returned to Virginia and Lincoln saw the chance to step forward with the declaration of emancipation
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincolns dreaded the border states which however permitted slavery. when independent was release he encourages it as a military measure against the federation. It was the principal turning point in the war. Lincoln also gave the south one last try to respond to the union and keep their slave but they decline.
  • Gettusburg address

    Lincoln had gone to the Gettysburg battlefield to prepare a cemetery for the fallen soldiers. He also defines the city was as a fight to uphold the DOI and maintain a country proposition.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Let set off to pennsylvania to take some union ground. although the confederates seemed victorious as night fell on the first night of the battle swift thinking and action on the part of the union put them at an advantage.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    The surrender of Vicksburg and Port Hudson split the confederacy into two on the Mississippi River and gave control of the river to the union.
  • Presidential Reconstruction

    in 1860 10 percent of people that voted needed the oath to the union and to accept terms of emancipation. Johnson was impeached by congress to ensure that as the commander in chief.
  • Shermans march to the sea

    The complete war strategy was adopted by William Tecumseh Sherman as well. He took his forces from the Tennesse Georgia border on a march to the sea.
  • 13th Amendment

    By maintaining the rights of freedmen they are known as the restoration amendments and extended democracy. on January 1 1865 the 13th amendment of the same year was approved by Congress and ratified in December.
  • 14th amendment

    the 14th amendment was passed in June 1866 by Congress and was ratified two years as it was necessary to be ratified by the southern states before rejoining the union and allowed back in congress for complete participation.
  • Congressional reconstruction

    Split the former confederacy into five U.S Army controlled military districts to better implement the changes to reconstruction and the freedoms they gave to the freedmen.
  • 15th Amendment

    The last destiny for the reconstruction is the q5th Amendment, which accepts all men to vote. Men were able to vote by the passion to ensure the right to vote and by this dream of the Republican party to confirmed its government's strength in the South.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    Denied the 14th amendment guarantees of equal treatment and brought more jim crow laws. Supreme court upheld discrimination and prejudice government defense of rights.