Timeline Project, C. Lindsey

  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

  • Alaska is purchased from Russia

  • Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
    The transcontinental railroad created many new opportunities for Americans. The railroad helped people grow businesses. The railroad was a stepping stone for America and paved the way for new ways of business.
  • John D. Rockefeller started Standard Oil

    John D. Rockefeller started Standard Oil
    The start of the first monopoly began with John D. Rockefeller. The man had a vision and was not going to stop until he was successful. Rockefeller began Standard Oil and never looked back.
  • Thomas Edison brings light to the world with the light bulb

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    The Sherman Antitrust Act was a stabilizing law, that banned anyone from owning a monopoly. The law took about ten years before it was publicly accepted. This effected the mainly the oil industry as most of the oil was owned by Rockefeller. His business was known as Standard Oil.
  • Ellis Island opens

    Ellis Island opens
    Ellis Island was a place for immigrants to go to get cleared into America. Immigrants went there as a checkpoint before going into the country. Medical exams would be done to check up on the immigrants and if the requirements were not met, they person would be sent home.
  • Peak year of immigration through Ellis Island

  • Carnegie Steel’s Homestead Strike

    Carnegie Steel’s Homestead Strike
    Many people were doing hard labor and not getting what they deserved. People began rioting against the company and going on strike. The strike occurred because the wages of the workers were dropping.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

  • The U.S. declares war on Spain

    The U.S. declares war on Spain
    Spain had rule over the Caribbean and United States was pressured to defend the American trade. Cuba also wanted its own government. After the sinking of Battleship Maine, the United States declared war. The United States would win the war.
  • Hawaii is annexed

  • Rudyard Kipling published “The White Man’s Burden” in The New York Sun

  • The start of the Boxer Rebellion

  • Tenement Act

    Tenement Act
    The Tenement Act was one of the first steps in creating better working spaces for our country. The act banned the ability to build poorly ventilated buildings in New York. Tenement buildings had working conditions that were unbearable.
  • Pres. McKinley is assassinated and Progressive Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

    Pres. McKinley is assassinated and Progressive       Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
    President McKinley was assassinated only 6 months into his second term. He was killed by Leon Czolgosz. Theodore Roosevelt then took over.
  • The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end

  • The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe doctrine declares the U.S. right to intervene in the Wesern Hem

  • Upton Sinclair releases “The Jungle”

  • Pure Food & Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act are passed

  • Henry Ford produced his first Model T (car)

  • Creation of the NAACP

  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

  • The Assassination on Austria’s archduke Franz Ferdinand

  • The United States enters WWI

    The United States enters WWI
    The US didn't want to enter war, but the time had come. After 5 merchant ships went down in the same month, the United States finally entered the war. President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany, and many other countries.
  • Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition

    Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition
    Prohibition was the ban on selling alcohol. At the time, alcohol was a common drink throughout everyone's lives. This caused many riots and other issues between the people and the government.
  • Women got the right to vote.

    Women got the right to vote.
    After many years of fighting and hard work, women finally get the right to vote. Many people worked long and hard for their rights. Women's suffrage will always be remembered as one of the best triumph stories in history.