Timeline Overview

  • Louis XIV Becomes King

    At the age of 4, Louis XIV became the king of France. Due to his age, Cardinal Mazarin took over as ruler.
  • Cardinal Mazarin Dies

    After the death of Cardinal Mazarin, Louis XIV took the reigns at the age of 22. Techinically, Louis XIV was already the king ever since he was 4 years old. However because of his young age, Mazarin was in power up until his death.
  • Treaty of Nijmegan is Signed

    Starting in 1667, Louis XIV invaded the Spanish Netherlands in hopes to expand France's boundries. After the invasion, the Treaty of Nijmegan was signed. As a result, France gained several towns and a region called Franche-Comté.
  • Finishing of the Palace at Versailles

    The Palace at Versailles was the royal palace of which Louis XIV lived. It was the perfect example of how Louis XIV lived his life. He would use tax money to add to the palace.
  • Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

    Protestants in France, also known as Huguenots, were protected under the Edict of Nantes for many years. Louis XIV however, believed that Huguenots were the cause of all French problems. As a result, he revoked the Edict of Nantes and Huguenots were no longer protected.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Utrecht

    The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of Spanish Succession. When Louis's grandson became the king of Spain, him and Louis XIV wanted to unite. This started a war between them and the rest of Europe. The Treaty of Utrecht allowed Louis's grandson to remain king as long as Spain and France didn't unite.
  • The Death of Louis XIV

    Louis XIV died of natural causes four days before his 77th birthday. He was on the throne for 72 years, 54 of those as the outright King.