Timeline over Settlements

By 18mar
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution spread southeastward from the British Isles

  • Period: to

    immigration to the United States slowed

  • 1790 census

    indicated that 20% of the American population was of Africa origin
  • not urbanized

    less than 10% could be loosely be defined as urbaban
  • 2/3 of the white population was of British origin. Germans and Dutch next in importance

  • Period: to

    Immigration increased wit each passing decade

  • Period: to

    most immigrants continued to come from northwestern Europe

  • American Settlement Frontier

    U.S. Bureau of the Census was able to announce that eh American settlement frontier was gone entirely
  • over 4/5 of all immigrants were from Europe

    They were from northwestern, southern, and eastern Eurpe. Especcially from Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.
  • Period: to

    Passed first major restriction to immigration

    First major legislation to restrict immigration
  • Period: to

    falling of farm population

    The farm population fell from more than 15 million to under 6 million
  • Period: to

    major mobility

    A fourth major mobility period was at hand
  • Period: to

    provided the greatest number of immigrants to the United States

    Mexico,the Philippines, and the West Indies
  • Population increase

    The United States had a population approaching 250 million, with a dnsity of roughly 235 people per square kilometer
  • Urbainzation

    over 3/4 of the population was urbanized