Timeline of US Environmental Policy

  • Period: to

    US Environmental Policy

  • Clean Water Act of 1948

    This act establishes the structure for the regulation of pollutants in the water of America.
    This act was enacted in 1946, but expanded in 1972.
    This law made it illegal to “discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters”.
  • Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965

    Promotes better management of waste products
    Supports resource recovery
    Enforces regulation for waste collection, transport, recycling and disposal.
    Provided help for research and development of methods of waste management
  • National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

    Established a broad national framework for the protection of our environment.
    Basic policy is to assure that all branches of government give proper consideration to the environment before they take an action that could affect the environment.
  • Noise Control Act of 1972

    Establishes a means for effective coordination of research and activities regarding noise control
    Authorizes establishment of federal noise emission standards
    Provides info to the public about respecting noise emission and noise reduction
  • Noise Control Act of 1972

    Establishes a means for effective coordination of research and activities regarding noise control
    Authorizes establishment of federal noise emission standards
    Provides info to the public about respecting noise emission and noise reduction
  • Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972

    Prohibits the “take” of marine mammals in United States water and the importation of marine mammals and mammal products into the US.
  • Endangered Species Act of 1973

    This act authorizes the official listing of endangered species.
    It also prohibits unauthorized possession, sale, and transportation of endangered species.
    It provides authority for experts to take possession of land in order to conserve the listed species.
  • Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974

    Ensures safety of America’s drinking water
    Regulates the nation’s public drinking water supply.
  • Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976

    Provides the Environmental Protection Agency with the authority to require reporting, record keeping, and testing requirements with chemical substances/mixtures.
    Addresses the production, importation, use, and disposal of chemicals like polychlorinated biphenyls, abestos, radon, and lead base paint.
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976

    Gives the EPA authority to control hazardous waste from the “cradle to grave”. This includes transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of said hazardous waste.
  • Refuse Act of 1978

    Local authorities, as a result of this act, must provide places where refuse can be deposited at reasonable times for free by people who live in the area.
  • CERCLA 1980

    This is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act – this act established prohibitions and requirements concerning hazardous waste sites.
    It also provided liability for people who were to dump the hazardous waste in these sites.
    It established provision for cleanup in these waste areas.
  • Food Security Act of 1986

    This act establishes a framework within which the Secretary of Agriculture will provide agriculture and food programs.
    This describes the Act’s provisions of certain food products and the safety of the products for those looking to acquire them.
  • Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986

    Authorizes the purchase of wetlands from Land and Water Conservation Fund monies, which then removes a prohibition on such purchases.
    Requires the Secretary to establish a National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan and required states to include wetlands in their Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans.
  • Oil Pollution Act of 1990

    Improved the nation’s ability to prevent oil spills.
    Established provisions that expand the federal government’s ability.
  • Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

    Focused industry, government, and public attention on reducing the amount of pollution through changes made in production and operation.
  • Clean Air Act of 1990

    This act defines the Environmental Protection Agency’s responsibilities when it comes to improving America’s air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer.
  • Water Quality Act of 1994

    Requires landowners with more than ten acres to develop a water quality plan for their property and operations.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement of 1994

    Removes barriers to trade and investment among the US, Canada, and Mexico.
    Many tariffs are eliminated as a result of this agreement as well.
  • Food Quality Protection Act of 1996

    Requirements include:
    Stricter safety standards
    Complete reassessment of existing pesticide tolerances http://www.epa.gov/opp00001/regulating/laws/fqpa/
  • Healthy Forests Initiative of 2002

    Congress was asked to pass law that would “expedite procedures for forest thinning and restoration projects” and to “ensure the sustainable forest management and appropriate timber production”.