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TimeLine of Revenue Acts

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    Sources Cited

    Boundless. “Boundless US History.” Lumen, “The Quartering Act of 1765.” History Is Fun, 26 Mar. 2015,,the%20British%20colonies%20in%20America.
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    Sources Cited 2

    Shumate, Ken. “The Sugar Act: A Brief History.” Journal of the American Revolution, 31 Jan. 2019, “The Stamp Act.” Back to Colonial Williamsburg,,paper%20products%20like%20playing%20cards.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    On April 5, 1764, the sugar act was enacted. This was a revenue-raising act set to help the troops in America. The British thought that this tax could be easily collected. The colonists resisted a lot because they thought it was a violation of their rights to be taxed without their consent. The British then Repealed it around 2 years later.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    On March 22, 1765, the stamp act was enacted. This required that any printed material must have a special stamp that cost money. The colonists are furious, and although it doesn't affect everyone, the less wealthy lose a lot from this. The colonists bully their stamp collectors to not collect stamps. It is ended around the same time that the sugar act stops.
  • The Quartering Act of 1765

    The Quartering Act of 1765
    The act was enacted on March 24, 1765. It said that soldiers from Great Britain could house themselves in American houses. Many of the colonists refused to follow this act because they thought it violated the Bill of Rights. Because of this, Parliament suspended New Yorks's governor and legislature.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    These were actually five separate laws that were passed. They are named after a guy called Charles Townshend. These acts were made so that they could pay the salary of governors and judges so they could be independent of colonial rule. The colonists reacted by having boycotts and creating the daughters of liberty. Because of this, the Boston Massacre happened.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    On June 2, 1774, an amendment to the original Intolerable Acts was passed. It was known as the Intolerable Acts to the colonists. This said the same thing as the last Act. The only difference was that now they didn't need to provide provisions. Also, the housing of the troops must be an agreement between both parties. Colonists obviously rebelled against this as well, and it expired in 1776.