
Timeline of Liberalism (Dates are approximate) - Shaina Roesler

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    Ancient Greek Democracy

    The Greek leader Cliesthenes introduced a new system of government – Demokratia, ‘Rule by the people’. The Ancient greek democracy was the beginning of freedom and liberalization for individuals.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta, Latin for ‘Great Charter’, required King John to acknowledge that his will was not arbitrary and that the people of France were entitled to certain liberties. The Magna Carta influenced the modern liberalistic belief that all people have essential rights, and even a monarch cannot overrule them.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    The Haudenosaunee confederacy constitution, or the Great Law of Peace, was an oral constitution held by the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) people in North America. It guaranteed freedom of speech, and equality for all, regardless of status or gender. Some historians believe that the Great Law of Peace contributed to modern liberalism by paving the way for harmony and unity among nations.
  • Period: Mar 17, 1500 to


    The Renaissance, or ‘rebirth’, occurred in Europe in the 15th and 16th century. The scholars of Europe focused their interest on classical Greek and Roman ideas about the worth of individuals and the purpose of life. During the Renaissance, the idea that humans could determine their own fates prevailed – an idea that is still prominent in modern liberalism.
  • Period: Mar 17, 1500 to


    The Protestant Reformation came out of the Renaissance and challenged the Roman Catholic Church. While the Catholic Church believed in Church tradition as well as the Bible the Protestants believed only in the bible. Through the Protestant reformation, new churches were founded and the bible was able to be printed in many languages, allowing people to take their faith to a personal level
  • American revolution

    The American revolution began when John Locke inspired American colonists to set themselves apart from the British crown and declare themselves a country. America became a country governed by the people and not by a monarch. Out of the American revolution came the United States Declaration of Independence, which is still an important document today.
  • French Revolution

    During the French revolution, the representatives of the people, the third estate, revolted against King Louis XVI’s authority. The revolution resulted in many people losing their lives and property, but it produced some important documents that played a part in modern liberalism. One of these was the la Declaration des droits de l’Homme et du citoyen, or the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
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    Industrail revolution

    As Richard Hooker put it, the Industrial revolution “would change irrevocably human labor, consumption, family structure, social structure, and even the very soul and thoughts of the individual.”. The industrial revolution began in 1750. During this time period, the way things were done in factories began to change. The industrial revolution changed how goods were manufactured, and it also had an impact on the economy, on technology, and on the military.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The enlightenment occurred when the beliefs of liberalism were arising in Europe. Humanists in this period believed in the importance of beauty, love, literature, and arts. This led to a greater understanding of society and the meaning of life, which affected 19th century liberalism.
  • Changes to class system

    –During the industrial revolution, changes were made to the class system. Before the 1900’s, wealth was shown by land ownership – those who owned the most land controlled the money. As the industry was revolutionized in the early 1900’s, professionals such as factory owners, bankers, and lawyers rose up and gained wealth, power, and prestige and began to challenge those who had formerly been wealthy. The changes made in this time period helped shape the class system of modern liberalism.