History j

Timeline #1 (1607-1914) *Dahlia Adam*

By m30st27
  • Jamestown Founding

    Jamestown Founding
    King James I granted a charter to the Virginia Company. In the spring of 1607 , 105 colonists arrived in Virginia. They named Jamestown after King James.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    This form of gov't was made because of harsh laws imposed by the leaders. it was the first form of rep. gov't. Which allowed voters elect reps. to make laws for them in the U.S.
  • Maflower Compact

    Maflower Compact
    41 both non-pilgrims and pilgrims signed the document. Which bound them all together. it also set up a gov't of elected reps.
  • Plymouth Founding

    Plymouth Founding
    More than 100 people set sail on the Mayflower. The colony's main problem was food, the first winter became known as the "Starving Time". With the help of the Native Americans they later had a great harvest and had large feasts every year that became known as Thanksgiving.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    The document described the gov't established in the colonies of Connecticut. First constitution written in the states. An adoption of laws for river towns.
  • Pennsylvaina Founding

    Pennsylvaina Founding
    Colonized by William Penn. He was a Quaker that was seeking for religious tolerance. The state specialized in trade and ironworkings.
  • Georgia Founding

    Georgia Founding
    James Edward Oglethrope establish this colony in 1732. He was given charter from King George II to create a new colony in his name. It served two purposes to serve as a place where debtors in prison could go to start anew and it served as a barrier against Spanish expansion from Florida.
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    Industrial Revolution

    A time in which rural areas became more industrial and urban. Different and new inventions contributed to this development. They were in the categories of communiaction, transportation, and agricultural.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    A conflict in North America that was between Great Britain and France. Which ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. It was also known as the Seven Years War.
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    French and Indian War

    A.K.A The Seven Years War. The French caused problems by claiming land past the Ohio River Valley, where British colonies were. The French recruited Native Amercian tribes to aide in their fight.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    A peace treaty that ended the French and Indian War. it was a agreement between Britain and France. It marked the end of French power in the North.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    No gold or silver mines and currency could be obtained by trade. Effectively assumed control of all currency. The act did not allow the issuing of any new and /or preexisting currrency.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This act required colonists to house British soldiers. Man y colonists disliked the idea of having their enemy in their homes. In 1767 the act was expired when all colonies, except Pennsylvania, refused to obey.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    A tax on all printed goods. Things like legal documents, newspapers, and playing cards were taxed. it had to have a British seal of approval.
  • Boston Massare

    Boston Massare
    A street fight between a 'Patriot' crowd and British soldiers. A snowball was thrown at the soldiers and shots were fired. Five colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A protest of defianceof the taxes put on goods, mostly tea. the attack was led by the Sons of Liberty. An organization led by Samuel Adams.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This was the first major American vistory in the Revolution. The vistory ended the British threat to New England. It renewed the patriots' hope for independence.
  • Intolerable Act

    Intolerable Act
    An act passed to make colonists pay for the tea destroyed in the Boston Tea Party. It put Britain in charge of the colonies and stopped trade. It also didn' allow town meetings and strengthened the Quatering Act.
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington & Concord
    This battle kicked off the start of the Revolution. Hundreds of British soldiers marched to Concord in order to seize arms. Paul Revere and other riders Rode through the night to warn other of their arrival.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    A document that stated that the English colonies were an independent nation. It was written by Thomas Jefferson. Congress later adopted it as its own.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    A document that described the functions of the gov't. It was made after the U.S. declared its independence from Britain. The document had many flaws and established a weak central gov't.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    This was the last battle of the American Revolutionary War. It was in the city of Yorktown and it is where the British surrendered. After they surrendered, the two armies formed a peace treaty.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    This was a revolt against the gov't. It showed how ineffective the Articles of Confederation were. The revolt convinced the legislaters to make a new constitution.
  • Washington's Inauguration

    Washington's Inauguration
    On April 30th, George Washington took the oath of the first president of the United States. The oath was given by Robert Livingston. It was above the steets on the second floor balcony of the Federal Hall.
  • Constitution/ Bill of Rights

    Constitution/ Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution so that the Antifederalists would agree to it. The preamble was included in the Constitution to describe the rights and expectations of the new gov't.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney was an entrepreneur. He invented the cotton gin in 1794. It seperated the seed and the cotton more effeciently.
  • Washington's Farewell

    Washington's Farewell
    A letter written By Gearge Washington to "the people of the United States of America". It warned against the party system. And it also warned the country to stay out of other uninetended affairs with other countries.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The U.S. purchased 828,000,000 square miles of land from France. This purchase helped the U.S.' effort to fufill their belief of Manifest Destiny. It also doulbed the size,the Louisiana Territory stretched from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west and from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to the Canadian border in the north.
  • Marbury vs. Madison Court Case

    Marbury vs. Madison Court Case
    This case showed, for the first time, that a court can decide if an act of Congress is void if it does not match the Constitution. When Marbury was denied his comminsion he and a group of others petitioned against it. The court denied the petition and did not order the writ. Later there was a Judiciary Act of 1789 was made and said that writs must be issued.
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    War of 1812

    During the war the U.S. took on the strongest naval force, Great Britain. In the midst of the war the capital was burned down, Molly Madison saved Washington's portrait from the fire. The war as a result of the British attempting to cut off the colonies' supply from trade.