Period 5 overview

Time Period 5

  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    A philosophy that believes the spreading of God and to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent which is one of the most important changes to the U.S's economic and political growth to expand as a Nation
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    The Mexican–American War was a conflict between America and Mexico caused by the westward expansion of the United States and ended with U.S victory giving the U.S more territories therefore major economic and political gains
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    A law passed as part of the Compromise of 1850 that required the United States government to actively assist slave holders in recapturing freedom seekers and gave slave holders the right to reclaim slaves who ran away to free states
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Made up of five separate bills passed by the United States Congress that defused a political confrontation between slave and free states on the status of territories acquired in the Mexican–American War that gave the U.s major economic and political power
  • Ostend Manifesto of 1852

    Ostend Manifesto of 1852
    A proposed shift in foreign policy, justifying the use of force to seize Cuba in the name of national security that resulted from debates over slavery, but was declared unconstitutional by Congress which made America's foreign policy stay the same
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    A purchase that occurred in southern Arizona and New Mexico that the United States acquired from Mexico in a treaty signed in 1853 and its purpose was to acquire land for the United States that could be used to construct a transcontinental railroad to give the U.S's economy major growth
  • KS-NE Act 1854

    KS-NE Act 1854
    An organic act that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and also allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders which changed their political structure
  • Panic of 1857

    Panic of 1857
    A financial panic in the United States caused by the declining international economy and over-expansion of the domestic economy which would lead to major economic changes to the nation as well as the start of the civil war
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The 19th quadrennial presidential election between Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin where Lincoln emerged victorious changing U.S political laws in his presidency
  • Morrill Tariff Act 1861

    Morrill Tariff Act 1861
    An increased import tariff in the United States during the administration of President James Buchanan that raised rates to encourage domestic industry and to foster high wages for industrial workers and changed the social states of workers
  • Pacific Railway Act 1862

    Pacific Railway Act 1862
    An authorized the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad to build a railroad and a telegraph line beginning in Omaha, Nebraska, and ending in Sacramento, California and also provided land from the public domain and government bonds to help pay for the construction which expanded the U.S's economy
  • The 10% Plan

    The 10% Plan
    A U.S presidential proclamation by Abraham Lincoln to specify that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10 percent of its voters swore an oath of allegiance to the Union which changed many part of the South's political structure
  • Wade-Davis Bill 1864

    Wade-Davis Bill 1864
    A bill that required that 50 percent of a state's white males take a loyalty oath to be readmitted to the Union and required to give blacks the right to vote but was vetoed by Lincoln which made the U.S's political structure remain the same to later change it with the 10% plan
  • The 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment
    A law that states "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” which would make major changes to the social status of African Americans and expand their political rights
  • The Black Codes

    The Black Codes
    Were laws governing the conduct of African Americans and to restrict African Americans' freedom, and to compel them to work for low wages which made the Souths social status of African Americans stay the same through the time period
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Civil Rights Act of 1866
    Was the first United States federal law to define citizenship and affirm that all citizens are equally protected by the law and made major changes to the political rights of citizens
  • The Reconstruction Acts

    The Reconstruction Acts
    The main point of these acts was to lead to the Creation of five military districts in the seceded states and that each district was to be headed by a military official empowered to appoint and remove state officials which would change the political and military structures of the U.S during the Reconstruction period
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    A law that granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, which included former slaves recently freed changing the social status of the American people
  • The 15th Amendment

    The 15th Amendment
    A law that granted African American men the right to vote in elections that gave African Americans a major change in their political and social status
  • Amnesty Act of 1872

    Amnesty Act of 1872
    A United States federal law which reversed most of the penalties imposed on former Confederates by the Fourteenth Amendment which changed their social status for the better