Tim mcgraw 200 103012

Tim Mcgraw

  • Tim Mcgraw is born in Delhi, Louisiana

    Tim Mcgraw is born in Delhi, Louisiana
    Fan site for Tim Mcgraw Tim Mcgraw was born in Louisiana. His father was a basebll player, but when his mother got pregnant she moved in with her grandparents to have the baby and his dad didn't know about his birth until many years later.
  • Hurricane Camille hits Louisiana

    Hurricane Camille hits Louisiana
    Hurricane Camille Weather Report When hurricane Camille hit, it killed many people and wiped out many homes, towns, and businesses.
  • Kent state killings

    Kent state killings
    Kent State Killings This was a very tragic incedent for the entire country and struck fear of authority into many people of the time.
  • Munich Olympics killings

    Munich Olympics killings
    New Coverage of Olympics At the summer olympics in Munich, Germany a group of people went after some of the athletes. It was a huge deal and was widely covered on the news.
  • Nixon changes foreign policy and visits China .

    Nixon changes foreign policy and visits China .
    Nixon visits China President Nixon goes to China for the first time in 25 years.
  • Louisiana rewrites its constitution

    Louisiana rewrites its constitution
    Louisiana State Website Louisiana rewrote it's constitution to add in new elements of education and social reforms.
  • Elvis performs a concert in Louisiana

    Elvis performs a concert in Louisiana
    Elvis Concerts search_cd Elvis performed in Lousiana which would be a very influential performance for any up and coming musicians of the time like Tim Mcgraw.
  • Elvis found dead

    Elvis found dead
    http://Elvis's Fan Website
    Elvis was found dead on his bathroom floor due to a drug overdose.
  • Assassination attempt on President Reagan

    Assassination attempt on President Reagan
    Assassination attempt caught on video John Hickley Jr. tried to assassinate President Reagan on his way out of the Washington Hilton Hotel. This caused his popularity to drop greatly in the coming years.
  • New York stock exchange fails on "Black Monday"

    New York stock exchange fails on "Black Monday"
    Stock Market Info
    When the markets crashed times became harder for everyone and money became very tight for everyday life.
  • Internet becomes popular

    Internet becomes popular