Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

  • Date of Birth

    Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas Kuhn was an American physicist, historian and philosopher of science. He obtained his Bachelors degree in physics from Harvard University in 1943. He also obtained Masters and PhD degrees in physics in 1946 and 1949. After leaving Harvard, Kuhn taught at the University of California, Berkeley, in both the philosophy department and the history department, being named Professor of the History of science in 1961.
  • Lowell Lectures

    Lowell Lectures
    Kuhn spoke at the Lowell Lectures at Lowell Institute. He talked about his conception of science in contrast to the traditional philosophy of science. He stated he believes that science produces useful and commulative knowledge but traditional science distorts the process by which scientific knowledge develops. He spoke about the history of science could be instructive for identifying the proces where creative science advances rather than focusing on the finished product.
  • The Copeinican Revolution

    The Copeinican Revolution
    The first book that was wrote by Thomas Kuhn was The Copeinican Revolution. In this book he talked about his studies of the development of the heliocentric theory on the solar system during the Renaissance. A heliocentric system is a model in which the sun is assumed to lie at or near a central point. While Earth and other planets revolve around it.
  • Normal Science

    Normal Science
    Kuhn also identified what normal science is. He described this in his book The Scientific Revolution. Normal science per Kuhn is the regular work of scientists theorizing, observing, and experimenting within a paradigm or framework. Normal Science means research firmly based upon one or more past scientific achievements, achievements that some particular scientific community acknowledges for a time as supplying the foundation for its further practice.
  • The Structures of Scientific Revolution

    The Structures of Scientific Revolution
    Kuhn is the man who changed the way the world looks at science. He wrote The Structures of Scientific Revolution. This is one of the most cited academic books. He introduced the term paradigm shift. A fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. He believed there were periodic shifts rather than solely progressing in a continuous way. The paradigm shifts are good for science because it brings a new understanding of that theory, and validate it.
  • The Kuhn Cycle

    The Kuhn Cycle
    The Kuhn Cycle has different steps. The first step is normal science. The second step is model drift. The third step is model crisis. The fourth step is model revolution. And the last step is paradigm shift.
  • The answers you get determine the questions you ask-Thomas Kuhn

  • Date of Death

    Thomas Kuhn died in Cambridge, Massachusetts.