Thomas Kuhn

  • The Copernican Revolution (1957)

    The Copernican Revolution (1957)
    Here we have The Copernican Revolution which is a book he wrote in 1957. Thomas Kuhn wrote his first book, The Copernican Revolution, in 1957, in which he talked about the development of the heliocentric theory. The theory explains problems in understanding how the planets move. In the third century BC, Aristarchus of Samos talked about how everything moves around the sun. He proposed this idea to explain the lack of stellar parallax. The book was published in 1957 with no exact date in time.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)

     The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)
    He questioned scientific research in his second book, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions," claiming that it is defined by "paradigms," or conceptual world views. They carry formal theorems, classic experiments, and trusted methods. Some scientists can accept a prevailing paradigm and try to extend its scope by refining its theories. However, their efforts may generate insoluble theoretical problems or experimental anomalies that expose a paradigm’s inadequacies or contradict it altogether.
  • Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity (1978)

    Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity (1978)
    In this book, he talks about the traces of a discontinuous physics during the early age of his century. Kuhn explains that due to Max Planck, the concept of discontinuous energy does not originate in his work. Afterwords, a second edition came out where Kuhn explains the books' principal themes and discusses the relation to the view of scientific development.
  • Thomas Kuhn

    Thomas Kuhn
    Here is the time and death of the famous Thomas Kuhn Jul 18, 1922 - Jun 17, 1996 (73)