Thomas Jefferson

By Yeon Ah
  • Tomas was born.

    Tomas was born.
    He was born on a Shadwell farm in Virginia as the third of 10 siblings. He started formal education at the age of nine and studied at a local private school. And at the age 14, he began his research on classical languages as well as mathematics. And he went to William and Murray University. He was educated in college by hanging out with a group of scholars, not a friends.
  • He married with Martha.

    He married with Martha.
    As he continued to win while working as a lawyer, he met Martha Wayles Skeleton. He fell in love with her, a widow and one of Virginia's richest women, and married her. He had six children, but only the eldest son and the fourth two survived until adulthood.
  • He wrote the declaration of independence.

    He wrote the declaration of independence.
    Congress appointed five members to write the Declaration of independence, including Thomas. And they chose Thomas as the first person to draft the declaration, and he wrote a strong will on freedom and equality for 17days. He began to writing in June, and on July 4, congress decided to approve the final text of the Declaration.
  • Virginia legislature elected Jefferson as the state's second governor.

    Virginia legislature elected Jefferson as the state's second governor.
    While he was governor, he moved the state capital from Williamsburg to Richmond and introduced measures to amend religious freedom, public education and inheritance laws.
  • Appointed as the United States Minister to France

    Appointed as the United States Minister to France
    He made a great contribution to American diplomacy. While serving as French minister, he signed commercial treaty with Prussia and negotiated a consular Convention with France.
  • Thomas Jefferson was the nation's first Secretary of State.

    Thomas Jefferson was the nation's first Secretary of State.
    While serving as Secretary of State, he drafted the U.S. Declaration of Independence and he was responsible for purchasing Louisiana.
  • Thomas Jefferson served as the second vice president.

    Thomas Jefferson served as the second vice president.
    He united the Democratic Republican Party and became the leader of party, and after a meeting with Adams, he passed a controversial law called Alien and Sedition Acts.
  • Thomas Jefferson wrote the first Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.

    Thomas Jefferson wrote the first Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.
    This document was secretly written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. They argued that the state could judge the constitutionality of central government laws and that federal law could be declared unconstitutional and invalid in each individual state.
  • Thomas Jefferson served as the third president of the United States.

    Thomas Jefferson served as the third president of the United States.
    As president, he pursued the country's shipping and interests against Barbary pirates and aggressive British trade policies. And he doubled the national area by pursuing a western expansion policy.
  • Thomas Jefferson died.

    Thomas Jefferson died.
    After he retiring from office, he founded the university of Virginia. Throughout his life, he owned more than 600 slaves and they were in his home and farm. He ranks high among the top five U.S presidents.