Thomas Jefferson

  • date of birth

    date of birth
    Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, VA
  • school

    Thomas Jefferson enrolled in William & Mary on March 25, 1760, at the age of 16. He had received his early education from tutors at home and, later, as a boarder in schools taught by Anglican clergymen.
  • what led him to become president

    what led him to become president
    The election was a political realignment in which the Democratic-Republican Party swept the Federalist Party out of power
  • the judicial review

    the judicial review
    He established judicial review in 1801
  • foreign policy

    foreign policy
    He prohibited americans from trading with foreign nations (embargo act)
  • domestic policy

    domestic policy
    He replaced the embargo act for the nonintercourse act it allowed them to trade with foreign nations besides britain and france
  • how many years did he serve

    how many years did he serve
    he served 8 years as president and it ended in 1809
  • death

    he died at the age of 83 and he did in Monticello, VA