Theodore Roosevelt Project

  • Roosevelt is Born

    Roosevelt was born and lived much of his early life a sickly child, suffering from asthma. He would later overcome it and had a strenuous lifestyle and would develop a wide variety of interests
  • Returning from the Spanish American War

    Roosevelt lead the Rough Riders in the bloodiest battle of the war, Battle of San Juan Hill. He lead his cavalry up the hill and would be the ones who won the battle, according to the media. He would later be awarded the Medal of Honor in 2001.
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite came under full federal control in 1906, encompassing land larger than Rhode Island. It first came under public view in 1889 when hikers found large meadows being destroyed by grazing sheep, so they pushed Congress to make this land a national park. And in 1900 it passed and Yosemite became the third national park.
  • McKinley's assassination

    Shot twice in the stomach by Leon Czolgosz, McKinley would later die from gangrene. Roosevelt was on a camping trip while this occurred and rushed back to take oath after McKinley's death.
  • Elkins Act Passed

    This was passed in 1903, and was named after Senator Stephen B. Elkins. The act upholds the rates published by the ICC, outlawed rebates, and punished railroads as well as the receiver of rebates.
  • Pelican Island, first wildlife refuge

    Located in Florida, it was the first national wildlife refuge and was created for egrets and other birds from extinction. Created by an executive order by T. Roosevelt, and has a total of 5 acres of land.
  • Roosevelt's first term

    During his first term he established the Panama Canal and dealt with the Coal Miner Strike of 1902. Things such as the Square Deal, conservationist ideals, and adding to the Monroe Doctrine occurred after his first term in the Executive Branch
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    This act prevented the manufacturing, sale, or transportation of food and drugs. Was brought up as a response to "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair.
  • Devil's Tower, Wisconsin

    This is the first national park created under the Roosevelt administration, however the first national park is Yellowstone National Park. Founded on September 24th, 1906, it stands 5,112 feet above the sea level, and is a part of the Black Hills in Wyoming.
  • Leaving presidency and visiting Africa

    After Theodore Roosevelt's term ended, he lead an expedition funded by Andrew Carnegie to collect specimens for what would become the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. He spent about a year there and visited the modern day countries of Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sudan.
  • Bull-Moose Party

    Also called the Progressive Party, it was the party that split off from the Republican Party and was lead by Theodore Roosevelt. The reason why they didn't win was because they had split a party in half, receiving half the votes they could've won.