Theodore Roosevelt

  • Theodore Roosevelt was born

  • Roosevelt Returns to the United States a War Hero

    Roosevelt Returns to the United States a War Hero
  • Roosevelt becomes President

    Mckinley was shot on September 1st and died 8 days later, Roosevelt was sworn in.
  • Energy Crisis of 1902

    Energy Crisis of 1902
    Roosevelt stopped a 5 month strike because he feared it would make a energy crisis.
  • Theodore Roosevelt got his Nickname

    He wouldn't shoot a baby bear while hunting in the woods.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    The Act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates.
  • Pelican Island, FL

    Pelican Island, FL
    National Reserve founded
  • Roosevelt was Elected President

    Elected not ushered in.
  • Appoints Commision to oversee the Panama Canal Construction

    Appoints Commision to oversee the Panama Canal Construction
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    One of the first steps to regulate medicines and foods, also labeling whats in it.
  • Devils Tower and Yosemite

    Devils Tower and Yosemite
    Became the first national landmark.
  • Roosevelt Leaves the country

    He goes and travels Africa.
  • Roosevelt Runs for President

    Roosevelt Runs for President
    Runs in Bull-Moose Party.