
Theodore Roosevelt

  • Welcome

    On October 27 1858 Theordore Roosevelt was born.
  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest president to begin his term at the age of 42 when he began his presidency.
  • Coal Miner Strike

    Coal Miner Strike
    Teddy Roosevelt during his first year or so of being president he had to deal with the coal miner strike .This was when the United Mine Workers of America in eastern Pennsylvania held out a stike in order to earn higher wages, shorter work days, and union reconigition. Roosevelt had to appoint a commition to invetigate.
  • Dispute Between Alaska and Canada

    Dispute Between Alaska and Canada
    In the begininning the main reason for the dipute was because the Hudson's Bay Company and the Russian American Company were having arguments over their trading territory. That was in 1825 and it was settled for a while, but then it picked back up again in 1903 with a dispute over Alaska and Canada. Roosevelt had then kept the Euopeans from interveaining with our affairs.
  • Adding Land

    Adding Land
    Roosevelt set aside 125 million acres of land for National Parks. Then a few years later he added another 85 million acres of land in Alaska and the Northwest.
  • Reealected

    On November 8, 1904 Rooesevelt is realected for his second term. Theodore had many popular votes to push him wasy past his appponent Alton Parker.
  • The End

    The End
    Theordore Roosevelt was done with his presidency on March 4, 1909. He had successfully finished two terms as president.
  • Safe Food

    Safe Food
    Roosevelt negotiated with congress about the act that still stands today called the Pure Food and Drug Act passed in 1906. This was for making sure that now harmful food products or drugs were able to be sold.
  • Nobel What?

    Nobel What?
    In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt was the first American to win the Nobel Piece Prize. This was because his meditation in the Russo-Japenese War lead by the treaty of Portsmouth. This ended the war between Russia and Japan.
  • Best Wishes

    Best Wishes
    Theordore Roosevelt died on January 6 1919 because he had Cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is blocked blood vessels that cause heart attacks, or chest pain.