The World Today

  • Period: to

    The World Today

  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    In the 1930s, Mexico had been revolutionized. The Institutional Revolutionary Party(PRI) dominated Mexican politics for over 60 years. Their reforms and effects would remain in Mexico for many years and to this very day.
  • India's Independence

    India's Independence
    In 1947, India had successfully gained independence from Britain. For centuries, India had been controlled by Britain. This gave India the opportunity to become its own government and would eventually be the largest democratic government in the world.
  • Formation of NATO and Warsaw Pact

    Formation of NATO and Warsaw Pact
    The formation of NATO sparked a rivalry between Communism and Non-Communism. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) heavily discouraged communism, while communist countries, like the Soviet Union, attempted to spread it. NATO would also encourage the Warsaw Pact to form in 1955 and it still exists today, as communism is still an issue.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The separation of the Koreas was one of the many symbols of the Cold War. North Korea planned to reunite and sought to be the hero by uniting with South Korea again. North Korea's invasion of South Korea was Kim Il-sung's plan of the reunification of Korea. It ended in a stalemate, with the USA supporting South Korea and the Soviet Union supporting North Korea.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Vietnam had been seperated between a northern communist and a southern non-communist. The Soviet Union had supported North Vietnam while the United States aided South Vietnam. Involvement in the Vietnam War was unpopular among many american citizens and the US would soon withdraw soldiers from Vietnam.
  • Ghana's Indepence

    Ghana's Indepence
    In 1957, Ghana or the "Gold Coast" gained independence from Britain. For centuries, Africa had been controlled and colonized by European nations seeking resources and slave labor. For the first time ever, a colony in Africa would gain its independence. This changed the perspective of Africa from a colonized continent to a continent seeking reform and independence.
  • The Start of FIdel Castro's Reign

    The Start of FIdel Castro's Reign
    In 1959, FIdel Castro had gained control of Cuba, after Cuba's independence from Spain. FIdel would be heavily discouraged by the US and supported by the Soviet Union. When the Cold War ended, Cuba had lost its biggest ally and their economy went down the toilet. Cuba's policies would remain unchanged and to this day, remain in Cuba.
  • The End of the Apartheid

    The End of the Apartheid
    In 1989, the Apartheid was abolished in South Africa. Since the 60s, the white minority had ruled South Africa, despite being less than 10% of the entire population. In 1994, visionary and reformer Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa. He would be the first non-white president of South Africa for years. Changes in government allowed the country to reform and get technologies.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    The Persian Gulf War can be broken down into two seperate wars. The war created a new perspective for the Middle East. Iraq sought oil wealth and recognized its importance. The second Gulf War involved the USA defended its ally, Saudi Arabia. After the Persian Gulf War, the middle east would be looked at as a threat to the world.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    The attacks made on the USA on September 11th, 2001, gave the world a new perspective on security and terrorism. 9/11 would eventually start a "War on Terror" which, to this day, is still a problem.