
The timeline of Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452


    Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy 15th April 1452
  • Jun 3, 1457


    From an early age, Lenoardo da Cinvi liked watching people and things around him carefully. He spent a lot time on the countryside. There he made drawings of the things around him.
  • May 23, 1466

    Learning Art

    Learning Art
    When he was 14 years old, Leonardo followed his father to Florence. He learned art and worked at a famous art wordkshop. He was a good student at the workshop.
  • Sep 3, 1472

    Baptism of Christ

    Baptism of Christ
    Leonardo's teacher chose him to be his helper. Together they painted Baptism of Christ.
  • Sep 24, 1472


    He is very intelligent. Besides painting, he was good at science subjects too. He liked to study how tools and machines worked.
  • Nov 24, 1495

    The Church Art

    The Church Art
    When he was 43 years old, the church invied him to do a difficult painting job. He finish his painting for 3 years, the people in the church like his paining very much. His painting was called The Last Supper. Most artist painted a ring of light around Jesus's head but he decided to just give off light. This was his special style.
  • Apr 30, 1503

    The Mona Lisa Story

    The Mona Lisa Story
    Leonardo started working on the famous painting -Mona LIsa, but the lady did not smile, so he invited some musicians to play music so that Mona Lisa would smile. After 4 years of hard work, people began to talk about her smile.:)
  • Feb 16, 1510

    Studying Human Embryo

    Studying Human Embryo
    With the purpose of painting more people artwork, Lenardo study the Human Embryo. He was also the first one to study it. Many people respiected his cleverness.
  • Aug 25, 1516


    Leonardo got an invitation of King Francois, because the king considered him to be the greatest of the ages' minds'. So he moved to France.
  • May 2, 1519


    Leonardo da Vinci died in France on 2nd May 1519