The Space Race

  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Sputnik 1 launched October 4th 1957. It was the first artificial satellite.
  • The Sputnik 2

    The Sputnik 2
    The Sputnik 2 was significant because this space craft held the first living creature, the dog Laika.
  • Luna 3

    Luna 3
    It was the first photo of the far side of the moon. It was the third space probe to be sent to the neighborhood of the moon.
  • Sputnik 5

    Sputnik 5
    The Sputnik 5 was the first flight with a plant and animal on it and to return with them alive.
  • M-R 2

    M-R 2 was the first task performed in space with a Chimpanzee.
  • Vostok 6

    The Vostok 6 had the first women to go up into space.
  • Venera 3

    Venera 3 was the first impact into another planet witch was Venus.
  • Apollo 11

    The Apollo 11 launched the first human on the Moon and the first space launch from a celestial body.
  • Salyut 1

    The Salyut 1 aws the first space station. After this accident, missions were suspended while the Soyuz spacecraft was redesigned.
  • Venera 9

    First orbit around Venus. It consisted of an orbiter and a lander.