Shakers photo

The Shakers

  • The Shakers firat practised religion

    The Shakers firat practised religion
    The shakers practised a religion that was also a lifestyle. They lived in gender segregated dormitory, but came together to work and pray.
  • Mother Ann Lee comes to the US

    Mother Ann Lee comes to the US
    Mother Ann Lee and other shakers came to the United states. They established many colonies.
  • The first established colony

    The first established colony
    The first colony was established at Nikayuna near Albany NY. The governing style included: celibacy and agrarian communal living.
  • Hancock community was developed.

    Hancock community was developed.
    Hancock was th third shaker community that was established in NY, New England, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana.
  • Mother Ann Lee Dies

    Mother Ann Lee Dies
    Mother Ann Lee dies and some of the shakers that came along with her. After her death Father James Whittaker countinues from where she stopped at.
  • Father James Whittaker dies

    Father James Whittaker dies
    Father James dies and joins his ancestors. Then Elder Joesph Meacham suceeds as the first American born leader.