Soviet russia

The Russian Communist Era

  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir  Lenin
    Russians get tired of the czars rule and kick them out and choose Lenin as their leader.
  • Joseph Stalin comes to power

    Joseph Stalin comes to power
    Vladimir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin comes in and makes Russia communist.
  • Soviet famine

    Famine strikes alot of the Soviet Union
  • Moscow Trials

    Stalin accuses and kills people he doesn't like.
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    Germany cuts off last land ties t the city.
  • World War II ends

    The war ends in both the pacific and in europe with the surrneder of the axis powers.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    This is the year it was started. It ended in 1949 after the Soviet Union gave up the blockade.
  • NATO is established

    An alliance between many Western Democracies
  • Germany is divided

    Germany is divided
    France, The United States of America, Great Britain, and The Soviet Union all split up Germany.
  • Warsaw Pact is formed

    The countries in the Soviet Union are forced to sign a pact
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    The hungaries get crushed by the Red Army
  • Fidel Castro comes to power

    Fidel Castro turned Cuba into a communist country.
  • Berlin Wall is built

    Berlin Wall is built
    THe Soviet Union built the wall so East Germans could not get to West Germany.
  • Bay of Pigs

    To get Fidel Castro out of power, but it failed.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Soviet Union put nucleur weapons in Cuba.
  • Solidarity Union forms

    Solidarity Union forms
    Poland starts to resist more forcefully.
  • Berlin Wall falls

    The Soviet Union starts to collapse.
  • Independence

    Countrys declare independence and break off of the Soviet Union