The Revolutionary Era

  • ploclamation of 1763

    ploclamation was made to prevent fights. the person who created it was king george lll.
  • parliment passes sugar act

    this law was passed to stop smuggling. the act lowered the tax on molasses imported by the colonists
  • parliament enacts stamp act

    the law was made to raise money. this law placed tax on almost all printed materials.
  • townshend acts tax colonial imports

    this law added taxes to imported goods. it made it where the colonist had to pay taxes
  • boston massacre takes place

    relations between the redcoats and the boston colonists. it was a fight between the towns people and the soldiers
  • samuel adams sets up a committee of correspondence

    committee of correspondence is an organization used in earlier protests.
  • boston tea party occurs

    three tea ships arrived in boston harbor in late 1773. the royal governor refused to let the ships turn back.
  • parliament passes the intolerable acts

    this law took away certain rights of the massachsetts colonists.
  • first continental congress meets

    55 men had come to establish a political body for american intrests and challenge british control
  • battles of lexington and concord are fought

    at dawn the redcpats approched lexington. when they reached the center of the town they discovered a group of about 70 minutemen.