The Revolution and New Nation 1763-1800

  • Signing the Treaty of Paris

    This treaty was the resolution to the 7 Years war also known as the French and Indian war between the French and the British. Document:,to%20the%20British%20colonies%20there.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This proclamation was issued by King George III, which prohibited American colonists from settling west of the Appalachia mountains Document:
  • Sugar Act

    The British Parliament put a tax on sugar and other imports that came into the American colonies. Video:
  • Currency Act

    When the British Parliament prohibited American colonies from printing and supplying their own currency.
  • Stamp Act

    When British Parliament only put tax on all papers and official documents in the American colonies.
  • Quartering Act

    Where the colonies were required to open their homes to house and feed British soldiers. Article:
  • Virginian Resolution

    A series of resolutions written Patrick Henry that were against the Stamp Act were introduced to the House Of Burgesses.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The start of organized protests in response to the Acts passed by British Parliament. The Stamp Act Congress passed Declaration of Rights and Grievances that declared that all American colonists were equal to British citizens and should not be taxed. Image:
  • Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act was passed the same day as the Stamp Act was repealed. The Declaratory Act was passed by British Parliament stating that they had the right makes laws and tax to colonists as they saw fit.
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    British Parliament and the King repealed the Stamp Act in response to colonists boycotts and protests.
  • Resistance of Quartering Act in New York

    New York was the headquarters for British troops. The New York Assembly refused to support the Quartering Act the British Parliament suspended the Assembly's powers.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    British Parliament passed a series of Acts that introduced different taxes and regulations to help fund the government of the American colonies. Image:
  • Letters from Pennsylvania Farmer

    Farmer John Dickson wrote a series of letters that stated that the British Parliament could not tax the colonists, the Townshend Acts were unlawful and the suspension of the New York Assembly was harming the colonists. Article:
  • Nonimportation

    Angered by the new taxes and regulations colonists began to protest.
  • Boston Non- Importation Agreement

    A boycott that restricted importation of goods to Boston. Document:
  • British Troops Arrive in Boston

    British troops began to arrive in Boston in response to the political protests.
  • Non- Importation Ends

    When British Parliament started easing up on their taxation laws, the colonies eased up their boycotting of British imported goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    An angry mob of colonists were throwing stones, snowballs, sticks at British soldiers. Many colonists were left dead, which then led to colonists wanting their independence. Video:
  • Townshend Acts Repealed

    Part of a protest that American port cities refused to import British goods, Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts but kept taxation on tea.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    A group of men attacked the British Schooner HMS Gaspee and set it on fire. Image:
    (1845) The documentary history of the destruction of the Gaspee.
    Staples, W. R., comp Providence, Knowles, Vose, &
    Anthony. [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
  • Committees of Correspondence

    Samuel Adams called a Boston town meeting to help communicate Boston's stance to the other colonies.
  • Tea Act

    British Parliament made a law that granted the East India Tea company all the control of the delivery and trade of tea because the company was going bankrupt.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists were protesting about taxation without representation and dumped over 300 chests of tea into the ocean. Article:
  • Coercive Acts

    As a response to the Boston Tea Party British Parliament passed several acts to punish the colonists.
  • Quartering Act of 1774

    British Parliament expanded their previous Quartering Act of 1765. The adapted Quartering Act allowed British troops to take residence in private homes and facilities.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The colonists were angry with the Parliament about the taxes they inflicted so 12 out of 13 states sent delegates to find a way to challenge Parliament. They wanted to stop trade with Britain. Image:
  • New England Restraining Acts

    Passed by British Parliament to punish the colonies for protesting and boycotting British goods.
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    The very first military engagement of the American Revolution between Great Britain and the American colonies. Video:
  • 2nd Contiental Congress

    2nd Contiental Congress
    When the delegates from each colony came to discuss decisions about the Revolutionary War and their independence from Britain. John Hancock was elected president of Congress. Image:
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    A bloody battle between the British and the Americans
  • George Washington named commander-in-chief.

    George Washington was selected to lead the Continental Army.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The 2nd Continental Congress's last effort to reach out to King George III to try to settle conflicts between the crown and colonies
  • Congress Creates Navy

    Continental Congress approves the creation of the first American Navy geared toward defending Americans from the British.
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine writes a pamphlet called "Common Sense" that advocated for the independence of the American colonies from Britain. Document:
  • British Evacuate Boston

    American troops surrounded Boston to attack the British, British troops retreated.
  • Congress Declares Independence

    Continental Congress declares independence from Britain. Begins drafting a Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was selected to write it.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declaration of Independence was approved Image:
  • Battle of Long Island

    After evacuating Boston British troops wanted to use New York as a a base and was building a strong big army. American army had to retreat.
  • Congress Names Commissioners to Treat with Foreign Nations

    Silas Deane, Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee were selected to represent American colonies to help establish treaties and alliances with foreign nations.
  • Battle of the White Plains

    American and British armies met at White Plains NY,
  • Battle of Trenton

    George Washington planned a surprise attack on the British in Trenton New Jersey that was occupied by Hessian soldiers. The Hessian soldiers surrendered.
  • America has a Flag

    America has a Flag
    Continental Congress approved of design and declared the flag of the United States to have 13 alternating red and white strips with a blue filed with 13 stars to represent each of the American colonies. Image:
  • Battle of Saratoga

    British and American soldiers battled, the British were defeated. The British asked for terms of surrender. Considered to be a crucial turning point of the Revolutionary War,
  • British Attack Philadelphia

    The British and the Americans come across each other in Brandywine Creek Pennsylvania. The Americans ended up retreating and then the British troops continued to take over Philadelphia.
  • Articles of Confederation

    An agreement upon the 13 colonies or the United States, it served as the first fixture of government.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Princeton

    Another battle between the British and American troops. The British sent a big army to New Jersey, Washington had another planned surprise attack. As a result the Americans won and had boosted morales.
  • France and America become Allies

    France and America become allies, the alliance was formed by Benjamin Franklin. Their alliance included a trade in which the French would be obligated to help fight for American independence and America would be obligated to fight with France if conflicts arose with Great Britain.
  • John Paul Jones Wins Victories

    Captain John Paul Jones was victorious after several battles against the British with his ship known as the "Ranger"
  • Battle of Monmouth

    The British were headed towards New York, and an American general named Charles Lee botched the attack plan and had to retreat. Washington came to the rescue but the British were able to escape to New York
  • Spain joins the War

    Spain joined forces with Britain and asked for a reward, Britain refused. Spain then sided with France in their war against Great Britain but didn't want to acknowledge American independence. Article:
  • The British takes Charleston

    The British took over Charleston South Carolina, capturing 5,400 men and American ships. Considered to be the worst American loss of the war.
  • Treason of Benedict Arnold

    Treason of Benedict Arnold
    American General Benedict Arnold, became a traitor because he was communicating with the enemy, British General Sir Henry Clinton. Arnold would share with the British vital information about American strategies. Image:
  • Congress Creates a Department of Finance

    Congress witnessed that American finances were struggling so they established a separate department of finance to help focus. Robert Morris was appointed superintendent of finance..
  • Articles of Confederations Ratified

    The Articles of Confederation were ratified and was given a new title "The United States in Congress Assembled"
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown

    American troops and French troops united with one another at Yorktown to attack the British base. The British were surrounded, and British troops surrendered.
  • Peace Negotiations Begin in Paris

    Representatives from Britain, France and America met in Paris to discuss terms of Peace. By November they had drafted a peace treaty, which included Britain acknowledging America's independence and evacuate their troops as well as Britain giving up territories.
  • Great Britain Declared American Hostilities Over

    Great Britain officially declared that American hostilities are over
    which Congress agreed on April 11, 1783.
  • Period: to

    Newburgh Address

    Major John Armstrong wrote a passionate petition on behalf of the Continental Army, urging Congress to honor their agreements to pay them and prevent a mutiny by the soldiers. In the Newburgh Address, Washington responds, expressing sympathy for the men while denouncing the plans for a mutiny.Washington writes several letters to Congress on their behalf after the men feel moved.In the end, Congress agrees to pay the officers a lump sum equal to five years' salary.
  • Congress ratifies preliminary peace treaty

    Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Henry Laurens, and John Jay travel to Paris to negotiate a preliminary peace treaty with the British. This agreement is ratified by Congress.
  • Court Case of Quock Walker

    The third court case involving Quock Walker, a man who was beaten by his enslaver and treated as if he were a slave, is in Massachusetts. The enslaver was found guilty of slavery, which effectively ended the state's practice.
  • George Washington becomes Society of the Cincinnati's President

    George Washington serves as the Society of the Cincinnati's first president. Officers from the Continental Army belong to this fraternal order.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Spain recognizes American independence when the Treaty of Paris is signed, followed shortly by Sweden and Denmark.Before the year is out, Russia will also acknowledge America's independence.
  • Farewell Address to the Army

    In November, George Washington formally discharges the Army and delivers a "Farewell Address to the Army. "He later resigns as head of the army. In Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, the importation of enslaved Africans will be prohibited before the end of the year.
  • Treaty of Paris Ratified

    After being signed the previous year, the Treaty of Paris is now officially ratified.
  • Treaty of Fort Stanwix

    The Six Nations of the Iroquois give up all claims to territory west of the Niagara River in the Treaty of Fort Stanwix. Additionally, the Creeks sign a treaty in which they give up their land and expand Georgia's territory. Transcript:
  • Treaty of Fort McIntosh

    The Chippewa, Delaware, Ottawa, and Wyandot Indigenous nations sign the Treaty of Fort McIntosh, giving America all of their land in what is now Ohio. Transcript:
  • John Adams Chosen to Serve as England's Ambassador

    John Adams is chosen to serve as England's ambassador.He fails when he tries to negotiate trade agreements and make sure that the terms of the Treaty of Paris are followed, like leaving their military posts along the Great Lakes.
  • Appointment First Secretary of War

    Appointment First Secretary of War
    Former military officer Henry Knox is appointed as the first Secretary of War. Image:
  • Minister of France is Named

    Thomas Jefferson is made the minister to France.
  • Virginia and Maryland Signing Commercial Agreement

    Virginia and Maryland sign a commercial agreement on how to handle navigation on the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay at a conference at Mount Vernon.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Massachusetts is the 1st state to call for an amendment to the Articles of Confederation at the beginning of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    The northwestern territories are divided into townships under the Land Ordinance of 1785, with lots selling for $640 each. Document:
  • Treaty of Hopewell

    The Cherokee people are guaranteed the right to their land in the Tennessee region by the first Treaty of Hopewell. Article: ea-d8238641ebaf.html
  • August- Economic Debt Crisis

    Massachusetts and New Hampshire experienced isolated incidents of violence due to their respective economic debt crises.States begin issuing unpredictable paper money.
  • Ordnance of Religious Freedom

    Freedom of religion is ensured by Virginia's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's Ordinance of Religious Freedom. Document: :
  • The New Jersey Plan

    The New Jersey Plan identifies flaws in the Articles of Confederation and New Jersey refuses to pay their share of the money requested for the national government.
  • Spanish Dollar

    Spanish Dollar
    The Spanish dollar, proposed by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by Congress was a silver weight of 375 64/100s grains of fine silver. Image: Católicos_8_reales_28829. jpg/1200px
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion occurred in Massachusetts. Daniel Shays was a former Revolutionary War captain who went bankrupt and led a group of armed individuals in protest. They continued to grow and make attacks in the state, which revealed the weakness of the articles to provide military protection across state lines. Article:
  • Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia

    Congress holds a constitutional convention in Philadelphia to address the Articles of Confederation's flaws.
  • Period: to

    The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention meets and results in the creation of the U.S. Constitution. It needs to be ratified by nine states before it goes into effect.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was enacted by Congress, including policies for creating new states, accelerated westward expansion, and fundamental rights of citizens. Arthur St. Clair is made the first governor of the Northwest Territory. Image:
  • The Federalist Papers

    The first of 77 essays called The Federalist Papers is published in New York's The Independent Journal which persuaded individuals in the state to ratify the new Constitution. Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey ratify the Constitution.
  • (Summer) Alien and and Sedition Acts

    (Summer) Alien and and Sedition Acts
    President Adams signs the Alien and Sedition Acts which restricted speech critical of the government and tightened restrictions on Americans born abroad into law to silence political opposition.Thomas Jefferson and James Madison demand that the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions be adopted as a response. Image:
  • Federal Judiciary Act

    The Federal Judiciary Act establishes a Supreme Court with six members.Chief Justice John Jay is appointed.
  • Congress Adjourned

    The Congress officially adjourned. The United States would have no official government until April 1789.
  • Maryland General Assembly Approves Bill

    The Maryland General Assembly approves a bill that calls for ceding the land that would become the District of Columbia to the federal government.
  • Losantiville Was Established

    Losantiville is established on the Ohio and Licking Rivers in the Ohio Territory. It was renamed Cincinnati in 1790. Until a bill of rights protecting civil liberties and preserving the states' powers is added, many states will not agree. The Constitution becomes law when nine states ratify it.
  • Inauguration of First President

    George Washington is inaugurated in New York as the first President. He is sworn in by Robert Livingston and then delivers his inaugural address to Congress.
  • French Revolution

    The French Revolution begins when revolutionaries stormed the Bastille Prison, events witnessed by the American minister Thomas Jefferson.
  • Department of State

    The Department of State (called the Department of Foreign Affairs at first) is established with Thomas Jefferson as his head.
  • Creation of War Department

    The War Department is also established with Henry Knox as its head.
  • New Treasury Department

    Alexander Hamilton is in charge of the new Treasury Department.Under the new constitution, Samuel Osgood is appointed as the first Postmaster General.
  • Federal Judiciary Act

    The Federal Judiciary Act establishes a Supreme Court with six members.Chief Justice John Jay is appointed.
  • Establishes U.S. Army

    Congress establishes the U.S. Army before adjourning.
  • First National Thanksgiving

    George Washington declares the first national Thanksgiving Day at the request of Congress.
  • Period: to

    Petition for Abolition of Slavery

    On behalf of the Quakers, Benjamin Franklin sends a petition to Congress calling for the abolition of slavery.
  • Naturalization Act

    The Naturalization Act passes and requires a two-year residency for new citizens and their children, but limiting it to free White people. Document:
  • Final Ratification of the Constitution

    Rhode Island was the final state to ratify the Constitution after other New England states threatened to tax its exports.
  • Debts from Revolutionary War Collected

    The states' debts from the Revolutionary War are taken on by Congress.However, as the Virginia Resolutions indicate, Patrick Henry opposes this.
  • Residence Act

    The Residence Act, also known as the Permanent Seat of Government Act, is enacted into law by Washington and specifies where the permanent federal capital will be located. Documents:
  • (Fall)- Conflicts Arise in Northwest Territory

    (Fall)- Conflicts Arise in Northwest Territory
    Violence repeatedly breaks in the Northwest Territory with repeated conflicts between Indigenous peoples and the U.S. Army on settlements along the Ohio frontier, culminating in the Battle of the Wabash on November 4. Image:
  • (Summer)- Opposing of Washington's Federalist Programs

    Thomas Jefferson and James Madison join forces to oppose Washington's federalist programs.
  • (March) President Washington Selects Site for District of Columbia

    (March) President Washington Selects Site for District of Columbia
    President Washington chooses the site for the District of Columbia on the Potomac River. Benjamin Banneker, a Black mathematician and scientist, is named one of three individuals appointed to survey the site for the federal capital. Image: s/
  • First Bank of the US

    The First Bank of the United States is officially chartered after President Washington signs it into law.
  • Vermont Becomes State

    Vermont becomes the 14th state, the first to enter the United States after the 13 original colonies.
  • Bill of Rights Established

    The first 10 amendments are added to the U.S. Constitution as the Bill of Rights.
  • Presidential Succession Act

    In the event of the deaths of the president and vice president, the Presidential Succession Act is passed, outlining the line of succession.
  • Buttonwood Agreement

    The New York Stock Exchange is organized when a group of stockbrokers sign the Buttonwood Agreement. Image:
  • 15th State is Established

    Kentucky enters the Union as the 15th state.
  • Reelection of 1st President

    George Washington is reelected as president in the second presidential election.
  • (April)- Edmond Charles Genet Arrives in US

    French minister Edmond Charles Genet arrived in U.S. , distributed letters authorizing the attack on British commercial vessels and the Spanish city of New Orleans, which Washington saw as a clear violation of American neutrality. The British began to capture, imprison, and impress American sailors when they began to seize neutral ships traveling to the French West Indies.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    A Fugitive Slave Act is passed, allowing enslavers to recapture self-liberated enslaved people. Document:
  • New Secretary of State is Appointed

    New Secretary of State is Appointed
    Thomas Jefferson resigns as Secretary of State. Edmund Randolph will become secretary of State in his stead. Image: 1774-to-1789/images/photo35.jpg
  • (Summer)- Congress Passes Act

    Congress passes an act denying American citizens the right to join foreign military service or help foreign armed vessels.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    The Battle of Fallen Timbers occurs in northwest Ohio where General Anthony Wayne defeated Indigenous peoples in the region. Image: event-1793-1794-battle-of-fallen-timbers.jpg
  • (Summer)- Foreign Services

    John Jay signs a trade treaty after being sent to Great Britain to negotiate it. James Monroe is sent to France as the American minister, and John Quincy Adams is sent to the Netherlands.
  • Slave Trade Act

    The Slave Trade Act is passed, banning the trade of enslaved people with foreign nations.
  • Naval Act

    The Act to Provide a Naval Armament (or Naval Act) is passed, authorizing construction of what would become the first ships in the U.S. Navy.
  • Whiskey Rebellion Ends

    The Whiskey Rebellion ends in Pennsylvania when Washington sends a huge militia force to put down the insurrection. The rebels return home quietly. Image: rs:no_upscale()/GettyImages-96745364-86a4a21adfcb4dff9795d02f992bc56f.jpg
  • New Secretary of Treasury is Appointed

    New Secretary of Treasury is Appointed
    Washington resigned as Secretary of the Treasury and was replaced by Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Image:
  • Treaty of Amity

    The Senate ratifies the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, commonly known as Jay's Treaty, between the United States and Great Britain. Washington later signs it into law. The acceptance of Jay's Treaty means that America and France will come close to war.
  • Treaty of Greenville

    The Treaty of Greenville is signed with the 12 Ohio Indigenous tribes who had been defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. They give large amounts of land to America.
  • Treaty of Tripoli

    In exchange for the release of prisoners and the payment of a yearly tribute to safeguard their shipping interests in the Mediterranean Sea, America and Algiers sign the Treaty of Tripoli.
  • Treaty of San Lorenzo

    The Treaty of San Lorenzo, signed by Thomas Pinckney and Spain, establishes the border between Spain and America and permits free travel all the way down the Mississippi River. He eventually becomes Secretary of State.
  • (November)- France Announces to end all Diplomatic Ties with US

    France announces that due to Jay's Treaty it will end all diplomatic ties with the United States after rejecting Thomas Pinckney.
  • New Chief Justice of Supreme Court is Appointed

    Oliver Ellsworth is nominated by George Washington to replace John Jay as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • Establishment of 16th State

    Tennessee becomes the 16th state to join the Union. As the first member of Congress, Andrew Jackson will be sent there.
  • 2nd President is Determined

    John Adams wins the presidential election with 71 electoral votes. His opponent, Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson, comes in second with 68 votes and wins the vice presidency.
  • Ratifications are made to Amendments

    The 11th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, which prohibits citizens from suing states in federal court.
  • First U.S. Naval Ship Launches

    The French - American crisis increase so President Adams sends 3 men to negotiate with France. Instead they are approached by 3 agents who tell Americans that in order to agree to the treaty, the U.S. will have to pay money to France which the 3 ministers refuse to do. The XYZ Affair leads to an unofficial naval war with France. Image: %20Constitution%20social%20card_0.png?h=6d4a7210&itok=npBQAvHd
  • Treaty of Peace and Friendship

    To pay homage and put an end to the attacks by barbarian pirates, the United States of America signs the Treaty of Peace and Friendship with Tunis.
  • Mississippi Territory Established

    Mississippi Territory Established
    The Mississippi Territory is created by Congress. Image: t-1798-mississippi-territory.jpg
  • Benjamin Stoddert Appointed Secretary of Navy

    Benjamin Stoddert Appointed Secretary of Navy
    The Department of the Navy is created with Benjamin Stoddert as its Secretary. Image:
  • Commander In Chief of US Army is Appointed

    Commander In Chief of US Army is Appointed
    George Washington is named Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army. image:
  • (Spring)- Tensions Between France and US Settle

    Tensions between France and the U.S. ease where ministers are allowed back into France.
  • First Consul of France is Appointed

    Napoleon Bonaparte becomes the first consul of France. Image:
  • George Washington Dies

    George Washington dies due to a throat infection. He is mourned in the United States, given honors in England, and a week of mourning begins in France.
  • Library of Congress Established

    The Library of Congress is created, with a beginning budget of $5,000 for books for the use of Congress. Image:
  • Convention of 1800

    The Convention of 1800, the Treaty of Morfontaine, is signed by the French and American diplomats ending the undeclared war. Document:
  • Third Treaty of San Ildefonso

    In the Third Treaty of San Ildefonso, Louisiana is given back to France by Spain. Document