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The Reformation And Catholic Reform

  • Jan 1, 1491

    Family Life

    Family Life
    Ignatius had a very large family. They lived in the great castle of Loyola in Guipuzcoa, in the Basque country of northwest Spain. There were thirteen people in his family and he was the youngest of them all. There were three girls and eight boys. It was known that Ignatius was handsome, and his personality was high-spirited. He had two fathers, Don Beltran and Lord of Onaz and Loyola. Both his father and mother were of ancient and illustrious lineage.
  • Dec 24, 1491

    Date and place of birth - St Ignatius Of Loyola

    Date and place of birth - St Ignatius Of Loyola
    St Ignatius Of Loyola was born on the 25th of december in 1491. His birth place was in Loyola, Castile located in Azpeitia in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa in northern Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Controversies Ignatius was involved in

    Controversies Ignatius was involved in
    Before Ignatius discovered Jesus, his soul was troubled. Ignatius would be free in his relationships towards women, he would also gamble as he fought.
    (Before the year 1520 and duriing 1521)
  • May 20, 1521

    The end of Ignatius

    The end of Ignatius
    His Military career ended on may 20th 1521, when a bullet from a canon his leg during the battle in defence of the castle of Pamplona.
  • May 30, 1521

    Where and what did St ignatius study

    Where and what did St ignatius study
    St Ignatius studied to become a soldier at the age of 30 in May 1521; he was protecting the fortress of the town of Pamplona against the French, who claimed the territory as their own against the Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Studies In Paris

    Studies In Paris
    During the first two years St Ignatius goal was to achieve being excellent at Latin. During the summer he travelled to Flandes and to England, starting alms from the Spanish merchants.His friends helped him study during the year. He stayed in school for three and a half years in the school of St Barbara, studying philosophy. He helped many people to sanctify their Sundays and feast days to prayer. In 1534 at the age of 43 Ignatius obtained a masters of Arts degree from The university of Paris.
  • Jan 1, 1538

    Work achievments of St Ignatius

    Work achievments of St Ignatius
    Saint Ignatius celebrates his first mass in the church of “Santa Maria La Maggiore”.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Achievments of St Ignatius

    Achievments of St Ignatius
    During the year 1539 Ignatius drew up a formula for a new order and secured it for papal approval.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Confirmation from pope paul iii

    Confirmation from pope paul iii
    Pope Paul lll confirms the foundation of the company of Jesus.
  • Jan 1, 1541

    St Ignatius book published

    St Ignatius book published
    Throughout his journey, he wrote down notes about his spiritual life and later on became a book it was published in the year 1541 it was called "Spiritual Exersise". Ignatius was elected first superior general of the new order and his confessor, through a call to obedience, asked him to accept the duty. He began to work on this role on Easter Sunday.
  • Jan 1, 1548

    Ignatius achievments

    Ignatius achievments
    Before the year 1548 Ignatius had opened schools in Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and India, but they were planned mainly for the education of the new young Jesuit recruits.
  • Jan 1, 1556

    Suffering Of St Ignatius

    Suffering Of St Ignatius
    Ever since St Ignatius studied in Paris he suffered from stomach ailments which became increasingly worse in Rome. In 1556 his health was in danger, although his physician thought he would live as he has throughout his life.
    Ignatius had doubts, and thought it was the end of him.
  • Jul 30, 1556

    Suffering Of St Ignatius

    Suffering Of St Ignatius
    On July 30th Ignatius asked Polanco to go and asked for the Pope’s blessing as he thought the end was near for him. Although Polanco trusted the physician and told Ignatius the pope had many letter to write and mail coming in that day and instead ask the Pope for his blessing the next day. Ignatius didn’t insist to go that afternoon, so shortly after midnight and took a turn.Polanco immediately went to the Vatican to get the papal blessing,Sadley it was to late,so decided to give his life to God
  • Jul 31, 1556

    Death of St Ignatuis

    Death of St Ignatuis
    St Igantuis died on the 31st of July 1556, his body lay's in a place called today "Church of Gesu" located in Rome.
  • Jul 31, 1556

    Feast day of St Ignatius

    Feast day of St Ignatius
    St Ignatius' feast day is celebrated by the universal Church and the Jesuits on July 31, the day he died.
  • Ignatius Blessing

    Ignatius Blessing
    Ignatius was beatified on July 27 by Pope Paul V.
  • Canonization Of St Ignatius

    Canonization Of St Ignatius
    Ignatius was canonized by Pope Gregory XV on March the 12th 1622 followed by St. Francis Xavier.