Scocial studies reconstruction

The reconstruction of 1865-1896 By Mikayla Bade!

  • Freedman's Bureau is astablished

    The Freedmans Bureau aided distressed freed slaves. It supplied them with food, shelter, education, and civil rights.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    The black codes allowed freed slaves and african americans to be given citizen ship. it also allowed some to vote.
  • the thirteenth amendment is finally adopted

    the thirteenth amendment is finally adopted
    The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery once and for all. But it didnt stop the Ku Klux Klan from killing african americans.
  • The Ku Klux Klan

    The kkk were a group of americans who disagreed with african americans and their freedom. so the began to sluaghter the africans and were never caught for it.
  • First reconstruction act

    First reconstruction act
    it granted citizen ship and civil rights to many people.
  • The purchase of alaska

    The purchase of alaska
    Now alaska has become a new state to the united states. it was bought from Russia for 7.2 million by William H. Seward.Most of alaska has not been discoverd, many americans have the freedom to dicover alaska.
  • the 14th amendment

    the 14th amendment
    it prohibits states and local governments from depriving a persons life, property, and citizen ship. it was the final act to granting citizen ship to any person who is born in the united states.
  • Fifteenth amendment

    Fifteenth amendment
    The fifteenth amendment guarenteed full citizen ship to african americans and could not be denied for voting becuase of race or color.
  • the cicil rights act

    the cicil rights act
    The civil rights act granted full employment to any citizen no matter race or color.