
The Real Revolution: The Global Story of American Independence (by Marc Aronson)

  • Period: to

    Important Dates

  • The Seven Years War Begins

    The Seven Years War Begins
    The Seven Years War was considerd the first real world war. Some people also call it the French and Indian war. Also this book tells about the Revolutionary war. Most of the stories that you have heard about the Revolution consist of only good things about the victors. In this story it gives you both sides and the pros and cons of each. That's why the title is the Real Revolution.
  • Long Live the King

    Long Live the King
    In 1760 King George the Second died and King George the Third took over. He was a flawed king and sometimes considerd crazy due to a disiase called porphyria. This made him mentaly unstable.
  • The Seven Years War is Over

    The Seven Years War is Over
    On this date, the Peace of Paris ends the Seven Years War. Lord Bute resigned and George Grenville takes his position in leading the government. Grenville had some new ideas for the colonists, such as imposing a proclamation line and better customs and inspections.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    In 1765 the English Parliament passed a Stamp Act imposing a tax on all paper products. This was the government's first real try to assert governmental athority in the colonies. However the colonists took it in the wrong way and rebelled against the king.
  • Murder in Boston

    Murder in Boston
    In this picture, the Boston Massacre is taking place. There are many different views on what happened that night. Some people say that the civilians had their backs turned. Some say that they were taunting and throwing stuff at them. But we know one thing. A British soldier fired first. He went by the name of Hugh Montgomery. The book said that he was struck by a block of ice or a club and fell to the ground. After that he fired his musket blindly into the crowd. What really happened?
  • Tea Overboard

    Tea Overboard
    The Boston Tea Party was a huge event. A crowd unlike any other gatherd to watch as the Sons of Liberty dumped all the tea from multiple boats. As the event was starting a bystander said, "The mowhawks are coming." The ships they slaughterd carried 90,000 pounds of tea, worth nearly 1.5 million modern dollars. The Sons of Liberty were lightly disguised and carried hatchets with which they used to split into the boxes of tea.
  • A Meeting in Philadelphia

    A Meeting in Philadelphia
    The First Continental Congress took place in Philadelphia. This is where delegates from 11 colonies met. There were 44 representatives. They had to make the biggest decision in their history. Should we be independent from the King or should we stay loyal. This was to be decided by a vote. In the end they became independent. That event changed history forever.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the real start to the Revolutionary War. The first shots that started the war were fired at Lexington, Massachusets. British general Thomas Gage sent 700 soldiers to Concord to destroy guns and ammunition that the colonistst had stored there. Just outside of Boston, they also planned to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock.
  • The Declaration Is Born

    The Declaration Is Born
    On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress met in Philadephia to approve the Declaration of Independence. The notorious John Hancock's signature can't be missed in the declaration. He quoted that," I made it big so the king can read it without his glasses".
  • Turning Point

    Turning Point
    Many people consider Burgoyne's surrender the turning point of the war. When the French heard of the surrender they realized that the Americans might have a chance in winnig the war. So they decided to help them with many more numbers and ammunition.
  • It's Over

    It's Over
    When the British General surrenderd to General Washington at Yorktown, it pretty much marked the end of the war. After that England, France, and the United States signed the peace treaty which brought all of the sides together. What would have happened if the French hadn't provided aid to the revolutionaries?