The Ranger's Apprentice

By Kiren11
  • Feb 6, 1300

    The ward

    Will and his ward mates are preparing for the choosing ceremony. Will is the most nervous about this, because he thinks that he needs to get in to Battleschool to honor his father's memory.
  • Feb 7, 1300

    Choosing Day

    Will and his ward mates are being chosen by the craft masters to become their apprentices. Horace is chosen for Battleschool. Jenny is chosen to be the cook's apprentice. Alyss is chosen to be the diplomatic apprentice. George is going to go to ScribeSchool. Will, however, is rejected from Battle school and is not chosen, or so he thinks. He later sneaks in to the Baron's office and discovers that he has been chosen to become the apprentice of the ranger Halt.
  • Feb 9, 1300


    Will begins his training as a ranger. He learns to blend into his suroundings and how to move silently. He is taught how to track and how to tell how many creatures he is tracking. He learns how to shoot a recurve bow, throw a knife, and fight in close,if he needs to. Halt also teaches Will how to cook and do household chores, much to Will's displeasure.
  • Feb 22, 1300


    Halt deems Will worthy to come with him to meet his aquaintance, Old Bob. Will learns that Old Bob is the person who trains the ranger's horses. Will is disapointed when he sees a ranger horse for the first time. They are not sleek ,but shaggy instead. He soon learns that there is more to a horse than looks alone, when he first gets to know his horse Tug. Will takes a few tumbles because he doesn't know how to ride a ranger horse. After the first mishaps, Tug and Will formed a deep bond.
  • Feb 27, 1300

    Harvest Day

    Will is excited to see his ward mates again. He is going to Harvest Day, which is one of the only days that apprentices get off. Will meets up with Jenny, Alyss, and George. Horace is late and gets mad when he sees his ward mates all having fun without him. He gets in a fight with Will, and Sir Rodney ends up breaking it apart. Will and Hrace leave Harvest Day with a new grudge against each other.
  • Mar 7, 1300

    Boar Hunt

    Will and Halt discover the tracks of an enormouse boar and inform the Baron. The Baron organizes a boar hunt. Will and Halt are there for extra protection, in case the boar breaks through the ring of hunters. When the boar is killed, everyone rejoices until a second larger boar charges out, furious. The hunters scatter, but Horace slips and the boar goes after him. Will saves his life by distacting the boar. Halt kills the boar with a single shot from his massive longbow.
  • Mar 30, 1300

    The Assesments

    Halt has deemed Will ready to attend the ranger assesments. This is where Will is either going to move on to the next level of ranger's apprentice, or wait another year to try again. Will meets Halt's former apprentice Gilan on their way to the assesments. When they get there, they are greeted with dire news. The Kalkara are back and they are planning an attack on the king.
  • Mar 31, 1300

    After the Kalkara

    Halt, Will, and Gilan set out to hunt the Kalkara and destroy them. They begin to to track the Kalkara accros the Solitary Plane. Their nerves begin to wear thin, as they pass the Stone Flutes, which are rock formations that play a bone-chilling melody when the wind blows through them.
  • Apr 1, 1300

    Help comes

    Halt sends Will to get the Baron and sir Rodney to help kill the Kalkara. Will rides switching between Tug and Gilan's horse to get there faster. He infroms the Baron and sir Rodney and they set out at onece. Will leads the way and tells them his theory about the Kalkara's target. He thinks that it is not the king but Halt himself.
  • Apr 1, 1300

    The Battle

    Will, The Baron, and sir Rodney arrive just in time to finish off one of the Kalcara that was injured. Halt has been injured and is hiding out, hoping to get one more good shot in before he is found. The second Kalkara comes at them, injures the Baron, and stops sir Rodney in his tracks. Will has only one chance to save everyone. He lights his arrow on fire and shoots, hitting the Kalkara dead center. The beast erupts in flames and is no more.
  • Apr 5, 1300

    The Kiss

    Will is at a small party that his ward mates are throwhig for him. They congratulate him on his victory over the Kalkara and ask for the story from his point of view. He tells them, and then somthing unexpected happens. Alyss kisses Will!