Rosa on bus

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

By aros020
  • Raymond Parks marries Rosa and introduces her to NAACP.

    Raymond Parks marries Rosa and introduces her to NAACP.
  • Rosa Parks first protests segregation

    Rosa Parks first protests segregation
  • Rosa Parks joins the NAACP (National Association of Advancement for Colored People).

    Rosa Parks joins the NAACP (National Association of Advancement for Colored People).
  • Rosa Parks is arrested and fined for protesting on the bus

    Rosa Parks is arrested and fined for protesting on the bus
  • Rosa Parks protest segregation for the second time

    Rosa Parks protest segregation for the second time
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott begins

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott begins
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr joins the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) to manage the boycott.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr joins the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) to manage the boycott.
  • The U.S Supreme Court disbans segregation on transportation as uncostitutional.

    The U.S Supreme Court disbans segregation on transportation as uncostitutional.