Mississippi trial

The Mississippi Trial of 1955

  • Hiram's Home life

    Hiram's Home life
    Hiram and his father have been arguing for a long time. One always thinking that one of them is always right and the other's wrong.
  • Grandma Dies

    Grandma Dies
    Hiram wakes to find thta hs Grandma is dead and his grandpa devestated.
  • Naomi

    Hiram see's Naomi on the bridge and they talk and she tries to comfort him to make him feel better>
  • Hiram Goes to Arizona

    Hiram Goes to Arizona
    Hiram has to leave his devastate grandfather and go live back with his mother and father and they moved to Arizona.
  • Hiram is a big brother

    While living in Arizona his mother gives birth to Hiram's four new siblings.
  • Hiram heads back to Mississippi

    Hiram heads back to Mississippi
    After lots of failed attemps by grandpa he has become ill and convinced Hiram's father to let him come over for the summer.
  • Hiram gets to Mississippi

    Hiram gets to Mississippi
    Hiram has made the two day train trip from Arizons to Mississippy. There he is greeted by Ruthane and her nephew Emmett.
  • Hiram sees his grandpa again

    Hiram sees his grandpa again
    After seven years Hiram and his grandpa have finally seen each other after seven years.
  • Hiram sees RC

    Hiram sees RC
    After a long seven years Hiram has finally found his old friend RC, but something is different with him.
  • RC and Hiram go fishing

    RC and Hiram go fishing
    The two best friends go fishing together and get caught up. However Emmett shows up which really ticks off RC. The drunk RC tortured him with fish.
  • RC's going to teach Emmett a lesson

    RC's going to teach Emmett a lesson
    RC told Hiram that Emmett was whistling at a white woman and he and a few other guys were going to go teach him a lesson
  • Emmett goes missing

    Emmett goes missing
    Emmett was reported missing by his uncle Mose.
  • Emmett was found

    Emmett was found
    Emmett's body has been found dead floating in the river a few days after he was reported missing.
  • R.C. disappears!

    R.C. disappears!
    R.C. can't befound after Emmett's body is found. Hiram suspects that he had something to do with the kidnapping.
  • Hiram gets a subpoena.

    Hiram gets a subpoena.
    A deputy goes to Hiram's grandpa's house and gives him a subpoena that says he has to got to Emmett's trial.
  • The Trial's Outcome

    The Trial's Outcome
    The jury finds the two defendents, Mr. Bryant and Mr. Milam not guilty. This makes most of the people in the courtroom happy and leaves Hiram confused.
  • R.C. Reappears!

    R.C. Reappears!
    Hiram finds R.C. in Greenwood after the trial and he tells him where he's been for the past month and what's been going on with his pa and Naomi.
  • Grandpa Confesses

    Grandpa Confesses
    Grandpa tells Hiram that he was involved in the kidnapping, but that Emmett was alive when he left.
  • Hiram Leaves Greenwood

    Hiram Leaves Greenwood
    At the train station, right before he boards the train leaving Greenwood, Naomi shows up, looking better than she had in years. They talk until his train leaves.
  • Hiram and his Dad have a Chat

    Hiram and his Dad have a Chat
    Hiram is picked up at the train station by his father. While they're driving home Hiram and his dad start having a talk that might help with their relationship.