The midnight ride of Paul Revere

By Kylaw
  • british fought france

    France fought englan for a large portion of the colonies. " The spy who saw is all"
  • the stap act

    The colonist got very angry at the king
    "The spy who saw it all"
  • The boston massacure

    the british shot in the streets and killed 3 people "The spy who saw it all"
  • The spy

    paul and about 3o other men formed a spy network to watch the british station in boston. "The Deposition"
  • lexington

    Paul revere road to lexing ton to war the villagers. "The deposition"
  • paul revers ride

    paul rever road off to warn the people about the british
    "paul revers ride"
  • medford town

    At 12 in the mornin paul road to medford town to war the villagers."Paul revers ride"
  • Concord

    At 2 in the morning paul rever road to concord to ward the town people. " paul reveres ride"
  • Paul revers help

    Paul revere helped hancock and samual adams from being arrested. "The deposition"
  • Was was over

    The colonist had won the war. "the spy who saw it all"
  • freedome

    The colonists gained their freedome. "the spy who saw it all"