The Mexican Revolution

By Df4555
  • José Orozco is born

    José Orozco is born
    He was born in november of 1883. like Rivera many of his works were inspiered by the Mexican Revolution. He traveled to the US and Europe to paint murals. He was a postmortem painter before his career took off. His most prized work was when he painted the the Hospicio CarCabaña. he was credited with the title of the "Sistine Chapel of the Americas. it showed the history of Mexico from Prehistoric Mexico through the Revolution.
  • Diego Rivera is born

    Diego Rivera is born
    He was born in december of 1886. When he was 10 years old he went to study at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts in Mexico City. He made many murals on his life. His works were being used for many things like showing the mindset of the farmers during the revolution. He will go down as one of the best artists in history as one of the best artists in history because he his persona is being used for movies.
  • The Revolution Starts

    The Revolution Starts
    Fransico Madreo wrote and signed the "Plan de San Luis Potosi." The plan called for the Mexican people to stand up to Porfirio Díaz and the government. This plan was embraced by the Mexican population.There was a nationwide call to arms on the same day. This was the offical start of the Mexican Revolution.
  • The Reign of Díaz Ends

    The Reign of Díaz Ends
    The forces of Madero and Diaz clash in the City of Juarez. Madero's armies attack Díaz's troops stationed in the city. They fight for three days before the Federal army surrenders. On May 25 Porfirio Díaz flees to France, ending his 31 year reign. This left the presidency open.
  • Francisco Madero is Elected as President of Mexico

    Francisco Madero is Elected as President of Mexico
    Francisco Madero becomes the President of Mexico. He kept most of Díaz's policies and people in power. He was a weak leader, who could not get anything done. Madero and his staff did not get along well. This dissension led to another change in power.
  • Victoriano Huerta Rises to Power

    Victoriano Huerta Rises to Power
    Victoriano Huerta was Porfirio Díaz's top general. After Díaz was ousted from power, madero kept huerta as the top general for the federal army. Huerta did not like the new ideas Madero instituted. Huerta leads a coup that eventually takes control of the government. Madero and his vice president, Jose Maria Pino Suarez, are killed
  • Woodrow Wilson sends troops to occupy Veracruz, Mexico

    Woodrow Wilson sends troops to occupy Veracruz, Mexico
    Woodrow Wilson sends troops to mexico for seven months. This occupation was set off by The Tampico Affair. The reason this happended was set off becasue the Mexicans the arrested nine US sailors. The Mexicans said the the sailors entered off-limit areas in Tampico, Tamaulipas. Wilson put an arms embargo on the Mexicans. He had the arms that were being transported to a Mexican port city seized.
  • Huerta's Fall from Power

    Huerta's Fall from Power
    Th Mexican people were upset with Huerta for many reasons. He forced people to fight in his army against the revolutionaries. In early 1914, Huerta's army was 250,000 strong. The troops were either poorly trained or had no will to fight. On June 23, 1914, the armies of Huerta and VIlla met in the town of Zacatecas. Villa's forces crused Huerta's army. On July 15, 1914, Huerta reisgned as president.
  • Carranza declares himself president/ chases Huerta out of Mexico

    Carranza declares himself president/ chases Huerta out of Mexico
    When Huerta fled Mexico the only canidate to take the positition was Venustiano Carranza. He had a government set up revolving around him. Fights broke out between Villa and Zapata. Villas army was the better prepared and the only thing stopping him from getting even more power was Obregón was the better tactition. Carranza was aslo able to portray Villa as a sociopathic bandit in the news.
  • Pershing Invades Mexico

    Pershing Invades Mexico
    Pancho Villa and his supporters attack a train that belonged to the American and Smelting and Refining Company. The attack kills 17 American workers. Woodrow Wilson gave the order to invade Mexico, and try to capture Villa. General John Pershing leads the invasion force. They cross the border and spend 11 months trying to capture Villa. They eventually leave Mexico empty handed.
  • New Mexican Constitution is drafted

    New Mexican Constitution is drafted
    The constitution garuntees the right to an educacation. It also included everyone including the farmers. This is important because the farmers were the lowest in scoiety. It also gave ther people a right ot choose their profession. The constitution also included the right to bear arms of any kind. There is a catch however, the ones specific to the armed forces were off limits.
  • Death of Zapata

    Death of Zapata
    In early 1916 Carranza sent Pablo González, to track down and kill Zapata once and for all. Anyone who was even SUSPECTED of being a supporter of Zapata, was to be killed then and there. Zapata was able to drive the federales out for a while in 1917-1918. Then on April 10, 1919, Zapata was double-crossed, ambushed and killed by Colonel Jesús Guajardo. He was supposed to be on Zapatas side.
  • Obregon takes Power

    Obregon takes Power
    With Carranza's term as president ending, the Mexican people were faced with the difficult task of elcecting a new president. Álvaro Obregon was a key member of the revolution. He declares that he is running for the office of president. Carranza supported Bonillas, a person that Carranza thought he could control. Carranza arrests many supporters of Obregon. Fed up with the harassment, Obregon calls for the removal of Carranza. He is elected president of Mexico on November 20th.
  • Pancho Villa is Killed

    Pancho Villa is Killed
    Aldofo Huerta was elected as the interim president, (The time between Carranza and Obregon). Villa asks for a pardon. Huerta pardons him, and gives him a 25,000 acre estate. Along the way to the estate, Villa and his bodyguards are amubshed and killed. Now two of the key generals in the revolution are dead.
  • The Fighting Ends

    The Fighting Ends
    The last battle of the Mexican Revolution was the Battle of Eseranza. Huerta called for an overthrow of Obregon saying that he is corrupt. Huerta is joined by some of the federal army, and they try to oust Obregon. They were defeated at Eseranza. This was the last major battle in the ten years of fighting.