The Life of Hosni Mubarak

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  • Born

    He was born in Kafr-El Meselha, Egypt.
  • Completes his studies at the Military Academy

    He furthered his education at the Air Force Academy, where he learned to be a pilot. During his time at the Air Force Academy, Mubarak traveled to the Soviet Union to get some hands-on experience with their aircraft, which was also used in Egypt.
  • Becomes Egyptian Air Force Director

  • Appointed Commander of the Air Force

    President Anwar el-Sadat appointed him commader of the air force.
  • Appointed as Chief Commander

  • Selected to serve as Sadat's vice president

  • Becomes President of Egpyt

    After Anwar el-Sadat is assassinated, he becomes president.
  • Sat next to Sadat when Sadat was killed and was elected president the following week

    Muslim extremists attacked during a military parade. He was elected President of Egypt the following week.
  • Survives two assassination attempts

    In the 1990's, he survived two assissination attempts.