
The life of Elvis Presley

  • 1935 birthday

    1935 birthday
    On January 8, 1953, Pelvis Pres Ley was born along with his twin brother. But his brother died at birth
  • 1945 His first song

    At the age of 10 he sang for the first time in public in a regional competition in which he won second prize
  • 1954 Elvis is accused of pregnancy

    In April, he had to appear before the judge accused of impregnating one of the founders of his fan club, but he was found innocent due to lack of evidence.
  • 1953 His first recors

    In January, he entered the recording studio of his Records, a modest local label, and recorded his first album
  • 1956 Elvis's fisrts working career

    He came to Nashivill to work with musicians from the city and made his first album for his mother.
  • 1956 Death of Elvis Preslet's mother

    His mother died at 46 years of age.
  • 1958 Elvis does his military servicie

    Elvis enters military service until the very base he was chased by admirers
  • 1960 Elivis graduates from military servicie

    Elvis discharged from the service with sergeant honors and begins filming in Hollywood
  • 1968 Elvis returns to town

    Returns after 8 years of absence to live performances, in Las Vegas and several tours
  • 1973 Elvis Presley hospitalized

    Elvis was hospitalized seriously due to Demerol abuse
  • 1977 death

    1977 death
    At the age of 42, Elvis died of a heart attack that was caused because he took too many medications and that was the end of the rock and roll star.