The Life of Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein is born

    Albert Einstein is born
    He is born to Hermann and Pauline Einstein in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. He is the firstborn child, and will later have one sister, Maja Einstein. He is born to a Jewish family.
  • Einstein meets Max Talmud (picture on left)

    Einstein meets Max Talmud (picture on left)
    Einstein met a family friend named Max Talmud. Talmud was a 21 year old student who taught Einstein some key scientific and mathematical concepts and books, which got him interested in the sciences.
  • Einstein is not bar-mitzvahed

    Einstein is not bar-mitzvahed
    He does not get bar-mitzvahed like most Jews are required to. This means that he is technically not part of the Jewish community, but this is all right, as he is not very religious, anyway.
  • Einstein's parents move to Milan

    His parents move to MIlan in this year. He now has to leave his school, Luitpold-Gymnasium, in Munich, to go back to his family.
  • Einstein renounces his German Citizenship

    Einstein renounces his German Citizenship
    He renounced his German citizenship in this year. He did this to avoid military service, especially because he was a pacifist. He also had a Swiss and US citizenship in his lifetime.
  • Albert Einstein is admitted into the Federal Polytechnic Institute

    Albert Einstein is admitted into the Federal Polytechnic Institute
    Before graduating from high school, Einstein enrolls in the Polytechnic Institute. He does not pass the test at first, but later passes the test to get into the prestigious school.
  • Albert Einstein graduates from the Polytechnic Institute

    Albert Einstein graduates from the Polytechnic Institute
    He graduates from the Polytechnic Institute with help from last minute studying. He has a hard time getting a job because none of his teachers give him a recommendation letter. He is known for not being liked by his teachers.
  • Albert Einstein gets a Swiss citizenship

    Albert Einstein gets a Swiss citizenship
    He becomes a Swiss citizen in this year. He all ready had denounced his German citizenship a few years earlier, in 1896. He also writes his first scientific paper in this year.
  • Albert Einstein is married to Mileva Marić

    Albert Einstein is married to Mileva Marić
    He gets married to Mileva Marić until 1919. Together, they have three children, Lieserl (born 1902), Hans Albert (born 1904) and Eduard (born 1910).
  • Albert Einstein's "Wonderful Year"

    Albert Einstein's "Wonderful Year"
    Albert Einstein publishes four physics papers in the Annalen der Physik, which is the leading German physics journal. This is composed of the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, the special theory of relativity and equivalence of matter and energy (E=mc2).
  • Einstein becomes professor at University of Berlin

    Einstein becomes professor at University of Berlin
    He becomes a professor at the University of Berlin, which is home to many great thinkers of Germany. He also becomes a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, and signs an anti-war manifesto.
  • Albert Einstein joins the "New Fatherland League"

    Albert Einstein joins the "New Fatherland League"
    He joins the "New Fatherland League", which is a pacifist group designed to stop wars, including World War I. This group is led by Georg Nicolai. To the right is a quote by him on pacifism.
  • Einstein publishes his Theory of General Relativity

    Einstein publishes his Theory of General Relativity
    He publishes the Theory of General Relativity, which goes with his theory of special relativity. This proves some of Isaac Newton's ideas wrong, which had been accepted for centuries. Einstein is known for proving some of Newton's ideas wrong.
  • Einstein has many health problems

    Einstein has many health problems
    From 1917 to 1920, he is very unhealthy with numerous health problems, including a liver ailment, a stomach ulcer, jaundice and general weakness. This weakens him, as he is taken care of by his first cousin, Elsa Einstein Loewenthal, who he later marries.
  • Albert Einstein gets married to Elsa Löwenthal

    Albert Einstein gets married to Elsa Löwenthal
    He is married to Elsa Löwenthal, who was also his first cousin. They are married until her death in 1936. He never had any children with her. He got divorced from Mileva, his former wife, earlier that year.
  • Einstein's first visit to the US

    Einstein's first visit to the US
    He visits the US for the first time in his life. He goes with Chaim Weizmann, on a fundraising trip for The Hebrew University. He also starts to teach relativity in Princeton, at the Princeton University.
  • Albert Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize

    Albert  Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize
    He is awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, especially his development in theoretical physics, for example, his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. He couldn't attend the ceremony.
  • Albert Einstein receives the Copley Medal

    Albert Einstein receives the Copley Medal
    He receives the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London in 1925, which is awarded to great physicists and bioligists. It is an annual award lasting from 1731 to today.
  • Einstein debates with Niels Bohr

    Einstein debates with Niels Bohr
    He begins intensely debating with Niels Bohr, another famous physicist. They argue on many different matters of physics, and debated very much on these topics. Most of the ideas they talk about are controversial.
  • Albert Einstein has heart problems

    Albert Einstein has heart problems
    Albert Einstein has a temporary physical collapse. He is later diagnosed to have heart enlargement. This had a big effect on his overall health, and he died later due to a problem in his circulatory system.
  • Einstein gets the Max Planck Medal

    Einstein gets the Max Planck Medal
    Albert Einstein gets awarded the Max Planck Medal. It is an award for the field of Theoretical Physics. It is awarded anually by the German Physical Society.
  • The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox is published

    The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox is published
    Einstein works with two other people, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, to create this argument. The Paradox itself is part of Quantum Theory.
  • Einstein is awarded the Benjamin Franklin medal

    Einstein is awarded the Benjamin Franklin medal
    He is awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal. This award is given to people in the field of science and engineering, and is presented by the Franklin Institute in Phildelphia.
  • Einstein becomes a US Citizen

    Einstein becomes a US Citizen
    He officially becomes a US Citizen. In 1933, he had already decided not to return to Germany, so it was only a matter of time before he became a US Citizen.
  • Albert Einstein dies

    Albert Einstein dies
    He dies in the Princeton Hospital in Princeton, New Jersey. He dies because of internal bleeding. It was a bursted aneurysm, which is a bursted blood vessel.