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The Life of a Leader

  • Martin Luther King (Jr.) was born

    Martin Luther King (Jr.) was born
  • Graduating

    he graduated from Morehouse with a B.A. degree in sociology
  • King's Marriage

    King married Coretta Scott, on the lawn of her parents' house in her hometown of Heiberger, Alabama.
  • doctoral degree

    doctoral degree
    King began doctoral studies in systematic theology at Boston University and received his Ph.D. degree
  • declaring unconstitutional laws requiring segregation on buses

    after the Supreme Court of the United States had declared unconstitutional the laws requiring segregation on buses, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these days of boycott, King was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a Negro leader of the first rank.
  • King won the Nobel Peace Prize

    King won the Nobel Peace Prize
    King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolence
  • Martin Luther King was killed

    King was assassinated